
Sunday, May 25, 2014


I want to talk to you about this guy
- who looked like this when I met him.
Yes, this guy
 - who now looks like this
That man is my love. I am blessed to be able to say that.
We started with very little in the way of worldly goods. That didn't matter to us; we had plenty of love.
We have been blessed with two beloved, beautiful children and loving, supportive family and friends. We have had a lot of fun together...
...and we've had disagreements, both large and small. (No photos of those, thank goodness!)
We've also been through some hard times together...
 some very hard times.
Through it all, he has been calm, loving, interesting, strong, intelligent, reliable, unselfish, kind, generous, easygoing, funny, tender, and steadfast in his commitment to our family. As a husband, he has loved me unconditionally and freely, which has made a safe foundation for me to grow and follow my heart; he is a supportive, loyal, honest friend. He is a devoted, affectionate, wise father to our children. He is a profound gift in my life, and I am thankful for him.
And he's always been easy on the eye!
Happy Anniversary, my love. I'm so happy to be your bride.


  1. Happy Anniversary to a very special couple!

  2. You two!! So cute!! Congrats x 23!

    1. Thank you, Karen. You and your family have been on my heart this week as you mark Joey's "anniversary," and we mark a different sort. I thought of you each time we passed the Empress!

  3. Happy Anniversary you dear and spectacular looking people!

  4. Congratulations, my sweet friend!!

    I miss you :( I hope to be able to get to the blogosphere soon. In the meantime, I hope you are all well!


    1. Thank you, Chi! I hope all is well with you & Magnum & Stud!

  5. What a beautiful post! So far today I have found 3 other friends whose anniversaries are today....mine is on the 29th!
    I hope you had a wonderful day!!

  6. Happy Anniversary Karen. It's a testament to your love and perseverance that your marriage survived ... and thrived despite the most difficult of challenges in losing a child. Bravo to you both!

  7. Much love to you both!! Hope you enjoyed Victoria...
    Love, Carin

  8. Happy Anniversary -- so much loves shines through in these photos!!

  9. Thank you, Carin, Ann, Mary, M & Elizabeth. We have survived a lot (as have most marriages of "a certain age"). Having been through divorce before I met Gregg, I am extra-thankful for our love's endurance!

  10. Happy Anniversary Karen! You both are fortunate to have each other.

  11. What a beautiful tribute to Gregg. You have such a lovely relationship and you've created a fabulous family as well. Love all the photos; you are a radiant couple together.

  12. What a lovely tribute to one of my few true companions. We don't spend much time together any longer but when we did it was truly the best of times. I will admit I sometimes miss my old friend and long for our youth ... that wonderful time before we developed a mature responsibility for loved ones, a transformation that gave our lives meaning and allowed us emotionally to pass into true adulthood. And as we grew into loving and "productive" family men time, as I suppose it must, took us on different paths. Paths full of hope and joy, heartache and grief ... and true unconditional love for another. I am truly thankful that when our inevitable parting came, when the wandering excitement of youth gave way to the enriching comfort of family my friend found you, Karen, his kindred spirit. God bless you both, I think of you often. Fudd

  13. Jim & Suz, thanks for your comments, and Happy Anniversary to you and your beloved ones as well!

    Fudd, thank you for your words. I shared this with Gregg and we are both moved and blessed by what you expressed. Maybe a reunion is possible this summer? We think Kim is coming over in July...maybe we can pull out the slides of Europe 1979 and the three of you can take us along!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!