
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Beach Meditation

Sun on my back
Breeze in my hair
Smell of honey and saltwater
Sound of rippling wavelets

Cold current runs
Between thighs of gray sand
Blue sky mottled
By high rushing clouds

Concrete bridge, steel cars
Swish clunk thump beep
Oblivious above
Wild whirlpools below

Wind caresses shells of my ears
White-bleached shells crunch underfoot
Cast-off glass, tumbled smooth
And driftwood borne aloft, lie still

Memories rush in like tide -
My children's lives
Our days passed here,
In freedom, wonder and in joy

Here I give thanks
For health, for life
I breathe in salt
Let go of fear

My thoughts grow calm
And become prayer:
May all be wrapped in deepest peace,
Blessed by water, earth and sky.
May all know light and love and grace
May healing fill each needful place.


  1. I'll begin my day with your beautiful prayer poem.

  2. Absolutely beautiful....tranquil.

  3. beautiful...I can hear and feel that place on the beach.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!