
Saturday, August 31, 2013


I stopped in a beautiful grotto this morning to light a candle and pray for David, who is about to begin his senior year at college.
The past three years have flown by so fast that I can scarcely believe this is his last autumn as an undergraduate. I walked around the sunlit, flower-filled, bustling campus and reflected on the joy of these years - and clearly remembered bringing him here as a freshman.
What a privilege it is to send our son to a Catholic university (even though we are not Catholic), where there is art everywhere to remind us of the love of God, our compassionate Mother, Father, and Spirit.
Prayers for the people involved in the crash we just missed on Interstate 90 yesterday...
Prayers for the incoming freshmen...
Prayers for all returning students...
Prayers for families everywhere...
Prayers for the sick, the dying, the grieving...
Prayers for the joyful and celebrating.

Thank You, Mother-God, for revealing Your Self in everything.


  1. Beautiful. I can hardly believe that your son is finishing college this year, either! I distinctly remember your posts detailing his freshman year!

  2. Karen, the pictures are beautiful - such a lovely, inspiring campus. I can't believe David is a senior, seems like he was just a senior in high school. Love to all 3 of you!

  3. He is! These three years have just flown. It was a very nostalgic trip to Spokane, and a fun one.

  4. Prayers are wonderful....where would we be without them?
    Wishing David a successful year at college. I swear, he just started last week!


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