
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Nearly-Summer

Flowers on Fjord Street
Happy nearly-summer to you!

It has been so busy around here that, though I often think, "I want to write about that," I haven't been able to stop and jot down any reflections. These days, my writing is done for class. What has been keeping me hopping? Work, class, exercise, family, friends (rinse, repeat). We are enjoying the gorgeous summer sunshine, and spending as much time out of doors as possible (no gym memberships here; exercise is taken outside, rain or shine).

We celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary in Victoria, B.C., one of our favorite cities. After taking the M.V. Coho from Port Angeles to Victoria early Friday morning, we dropped off our bags at the hotel and set out on foot to explore. We walked every day, between six and 10 miles, all over the city and its lovely neighborhoods. There is so much to see, and the people are low-key and friendly. Walking helped to burn off some of the wonderful meals we enjoyed...
Sushi lunch at Sen Zushi
A room-service gift from the hotel to celebrate our anniversary
 Cafe Brio - one of our favorite restaurants - the freshest local food and wine, with excellent preparation. After dinner, we stopped at the Irish Times pub for a nightcap and live music.
Up early on Saturday for breakfast and the start of the Swiftsure Race. This included a walk along the gorgeous shoreline, up to Beacon Hill Park.
A stop for refreshment at our favorite coffee shop, watching the world go by
Rooftop dining with peek-a-boo view of the harbor (after appetizers at an oyster bar)
22 years - so much gratitude and love for this man!
View  of the Empress Hotel as the M.V. Coho departs Victoria Harbor
We window-shopped, admired cottages and their gardens, enjoyed street performers, savored a historic bookstore, took in treats, local color and music at a farmer's market, browsed along fisherman's wharf, visited a bicycle shop, dropped into a shrimp festival, looked at real estate, walked around the harbor to see floating homes, walked and walked and walked. Just three days and two nights felt like a real vacation.

David is back at home with us, working at his summer job. It's wonderful to be able to see him in the mornings, eat dinner with him, and just be together as a family.

My days have been filled with class, homework, workshops and meetings. I'm learning a great deal, meeting interesting people, finding out what has been going on in the world of commerce since I left it 13 years ago, and enjoying the process. I've also been spending time with my parents - we love having them nearby.

Maribeth and her daughter, Taylor, were here for two days and a night, and we had a blast walking the beach, visiting favorite haunts and catching up.
Lunch at the New Rose Cafe at Bainbridge Gardens
Friends, peace, sunshine and beach glass - a perfect day
Tomorrow, our cousin Rebecca is coming over, and we are going to put together fabric kits. She will take them to her friends at the Stillaguamish Grange, where those good people will make blankets for Katie's Comforters Guild. We are thankful for their support!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so envious of your anniversary weekend; I want to go there too! I'm happy that you both had a nice get away.
    Your summer is sounding just lovely; friends, David, fresh air and volunteers for Katie's Guild!!!! Woot Woot!


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