
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Your Kindness, O LORD, Endures Forever

"I will give thanks to you, O LORD, with all my heart,
for you have heard the words of my mouth;
in the presence of the angels I will sing your praise...
Because of your kindness and your truth,
you have made great above all things
your name and your promise.
When I called, you answered me;
you built up strength within me...
Your right hand saves me.
The LORD will complete what he has done for me;
your kindness, O LORD, endures forever..." - Psalm 138

Today, I'm giving thanks to our Creator for sunshine, the glorious beauty of Western Washington, flowers, trees, fresh salty air and water.
I'm thankful to live in a place with mountains and salt water, where you can commute to work by boat
...a place that a cruise ship company thinks is worth a stop
...a place with a bakery that makes these
...and especially these.
I'm giving thanks for fellowship with kind, whole-hearted, understanding, talented, intelligent, funny, wise women. I'm thankful for the gift of this vase of flowers - an early Mother's Day treat from one bereaved mother to another:
Thank you, Teri!
...and for the gift of our writing group, with its encouragement, laughter, inspiration, education and even the occasional tears.

I'm thankful for my family, for time and space to listen, learn and serve, for the gift of the NSA Northwest Speaker's Academy camaraderie and lessons, for support and insight into my work, and for the work itself.

I'm thankful to be able to "barter" (or "work off") the cost of the most wonderful bicycle I've ever ridden. I have not enjoyed cycling since high school, but this bike (6 years old, but new to me) is a revelation - it's actually FUN to ride! I'm thankful for a delicious brunch and bike ride with a friend who we originally met at Seattle Children's Hospital - and for her friendship. I'm thankful for a recent barbeque with Gregg's work peeps in a breathtakingly beautiful location, and for conversations wide-ranging, deep and not-so-deep.

I'm thankful to be able to host Gregg's family to celebrate Mother's Day this Saturday, and to spend Mother's Day with my side of the family - especially with our son, who is finishing his final exams today. I'm grateful that Gregg's mother and mine are both still with us, at 91 and 80 years of age, respectively.

Though life is not easy or simple, life is GOOD. God is GOOD. He makes His promises GOOD. We can be joyful and trust in that fact. Thanks be to our Creator!


  1. You are positively infectious. I generally find people's expressions of gratitude nearly nauseating, but yours ring with authenticity and true inspiration. I hope you realize what your spirit, what you give to the world.

  2. What a wonderful, inspiring, heart-felt post, Karen. I love the way you express your gratitude, as it comes across so genuinely. Like you, I am grateful for so many things, and tops among them is the writing group. Thank you for expressing it all so eloquently.

  3. The cup is half full...and I like that. Thanks for the encouragement, sweet sister. Mother's Day love to you.

  4. So much to be thankful for....I'm loving your recent list. Good and busy you seem to be. Wishing you a beautiful weekend with both families and especially with David!
    Love to you and your peeps.

  5. I am awed and inspired by your gratitude. Happy Mother's Day to one of the best!

    Karen B.


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