
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shout it From the Rooftops

We've had a fantastic week here. I am in a rush, so I'm going to give you the "Reader's Digest" version, and hope to fill in later.
-Maribeth was here for a visit.

-I gave a presentation to over 50 people at Eagle Harbor Book Co. about "Because of Katie," Katie's Comforters Guild and Dr. Michael Jensen's work at the Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research. Dr. Jensen was there, and answered the questions that were over my head. Awareness was raised. Hope grew. Books were sold and signed.

- An article is in the works for the fall edition of Pomona College Magazine (the publication of one of my alma maters) which will tell about Katie's Comforters and the pediatric cancer journey, also highlighting "Because of Katie."

- I received the following message via email (and permission to share it) from one of the oncologists who worked on Katie's treatment protocol at St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Check out his title (below), as he is now at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital:
"Hello Karen:
Thank you very much for sending me a personalized copy of your wonderful book as well as copy of the CD’s. I greatly enjoyed reading  your book, and was very moved and inspired by the way you told your story. I really liked the practical tips of “ what to do and Don’t” at the end of the book, and I advised Child Life and Hospice services at our Hospital to purchase the book and distribute copies to selected families.
Yesterday...I was able to watch the CD’s and learned a lot from your narration as well as from the interviews with different HCP and spiritual team. I applaud you for your efforts and really am of the conviction that the book and CD’s will fill a gap in the education of parents of cancer patients as well as many health care professionals taking care of children with cancer.
Again, warmest Congratulations on accomplishing this project and thanks for sharing it with me.
Best regards,
Bassem I. Razzouk MD, FAAP
Clinical Voluntary Professor, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Director
Children's Center For Cancer and Blood Diseases
Medical Director , Pediatric Hospice Services
Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St. Vincent
Indianapolis IN

Now, we can shout it from the rooftops: "Because of Katie" and our DVDs are in use at two eminent children's hospitals! Thanks be to God.  
Now, to spread the word to other institutions!



  1. Well, OF COURSE! I wish you could see the big smile on my face - congratulations and onward!

  2. Karen it is because of your enormous heart and your incredible and never ending bond of love with your beautiful daughter Katie that all these wonderful things are happening. I'm so happy that your message is being heard more loudly and more clearly across the country. Hugs to you and here's to more SHOUTING!!

  3. Wow!! It must be very gratifying and feel like all the difficult work of writing the book has been worth it all. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Keep going, Karen. You are changing the world.

  4. SO proud of you and delighted for you! Check your FB messages.

  5. That post brought me to tears (of course in a good way.) Karen Boren Gerstenberger, it's becoming a reality! All it takes is ONE oncologist to start a chain and get the word out. Doors and windows are opening for you. ♥ God is good.

  6. YAHOO!!!! AMAZING!!!!
    Congrats! Can't wait to see you Friday!
    Lv, Carin

  7. Dear Karen,

    I so enjoyed coming to your reading!
    I'm so happy that you and your book about your daughter are having such an incredible impact. I've read about half of it so far. It is heartbreakingly honest, beautiful, and so touching! The courage that you, Katie, and your whole family show are inspiring! Thank you for sharing your heart. You and your book are both amazing!
    God Bless you for being willing to look past your own pain enough to want to change things for the better for others by promoting awareness and also by making special quilts for child cancer patients!
    I am truly inspired to help in the fight against childhood cancer and cancer in general.
    I am so thrilled to hear how close we are to a cure but that all that is really lacking now is the funds to enable the technology to become a reality!
    I look forward to talking with you more about how I can help.

    Blessings to you and yours,

    Cheryl Stickney

    Cheryl Stickney

  8. Congrats Karen! So exciting and well deserved.

  9. Hooray and Joy at the same time.

  10. This is such great news, Karen. All of your hard work is paying off! Congratulations...very well deserved, I might add.

  11. Oh Karen, that's really exciting! Congratulations on all your hard work, so thrilled awareness is growing! Have a wonderful w/end x

  12. Well...this is ALL good news!!! I love how your book is snowballing it's way into the lives of many!

  13. I got chills reading your good news! Congratulations and may the fruits of your hard work continue to bloom and spread.

    Karen B.


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