
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Celebrating Katie's Life

I'm making this video available today* for those of you who were not able to attend Katie's Celebration of Life, as well as for those of you who were and would like to see it again. Please enjoy this short video tour of the brief but beautiful life of Katie Gerstenberger.
*I am going to take it down soon.


  1. I sat and watched the entire video, Karen, and was overwhelmed by all that love. I think the photo of Katie, standing next to her brother, her hot pink suit -- her black hair and her adoring look up at him -- well, that's when I began to weep. I am grateful that you've shared your light with us, grateful that I've come to know Katie, in a small way, true, but her legacy, through you, is strong enough to overcome even that very real distance. Thank you, again. I send continued healing thoughts to you and your dear family as you move through this time, each year, without Katie.

  2. Absolutely no words...thank you for sharing such a beautiful video. Hugs!

  3. I've just watched it all. What an exuberant and cherished girl! And she surely looks just like you, Karen. You were very blessed but, oh, the time was so short.

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful slide show of Katie. I certainly saw some pictures very similar to ones we have of our family. Katie was a beautiful girl and I could see in her eyes how much she loved life and her family.

    Thank you again for sharing with all of us.

  5. What a wonderful video Karen:) She is just the perfect combination of both of you and I can tell she loves her brother very much! Thank you for sharing...XOXO

  6. Thank you sharing this video. Your family is beautiful, and the abundant love you all share is clear...I am grateful to know a piece of Katie through your gift with words and your willingness to share her, and her story. Please know she is not forgotten. Though I never had the privilege of meeting her (or you) I think of your family often. Many prayers.

  7. Oh, Karen. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't hard to watch. I had to mute the music, it was just too much for me. I can't even wrap my head around how hard today must be for you.

    Katie's little face didn't change one iota from the day she was born!

    It's so weird what you notice in people's pictures, isn't it? Right away I noticed that Katie had the same cute little booster seat that Stud had. I also noticed Mr. Panda showed up many times over the years. Too cute! Toward the end of the video, I was reminded that Katie wore her short hair in a faux-hawk, exactly the way Stud prefers to wear his.

    I also noticed the incomparable love between Katie and David. It just oozes from the screen. That is so special. It hurts my heart that he has lost his sister.

    I'll be praying for all of you during this difficult anniversary period. Sending you so much love.


  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this! Love seeing the love pass between each individual in your family—I know others have mentioned it, but it bears repeating. It's magical.

    <3 you!



  9. Its perfect... Miss you Katie

  10. Dear Karen, thank you for putting up this video and sharing your beautiful girl with us. I see so much pride and absolute love that you all feel towards each other, it really comes across so clearly. What a special, cherished girl. I do believe in angels and Katie must surely be yours. Sending lots of love and blessings this week, take good care xx

  11. What a beautiful collection of photos....I don't think I saw one photo where Katie was NOT smiling?!? Even when I'm sure she was not feeling healthy, she still smiled; beamed even! She is a true blessing. Thank you for sharing this Karen.
    Thinking of you all.

  12. Beautiful Girl, beautiful mom, beautiful life. I'm thankful for you and how you share.

  13. Truly a beloved child. Such beauty mixed in with such grief as I watched. Hugs and love!

  14. Absolutely beautiful. Just so difficult to grasp that there will be no more photos of your beautiful daughter.

  15. Wow Karen. Thank you for sharing Katie's Celebration. If a picture is indeed worth a thousand words then the photos of her would fill a library.



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