
Friday, December 11, 2009

If You Are a Praying Person...

...please pray for my friend, Ann Vossekuil (angel Taylor's mom). Today, she had a follow-up mammogram, and posted this: "I am going for a biopsy next. What they found is a solid mass, very oddly shaped and was hiding. It's not something I would have ever found myself. Thank God I went in for a Mammogram!! Now I wait to get the biopsy date. I know ^^Taylor^^ is right here with beside me."

If you'd like to visit Taylor's CaringBridge site, to learn more about her, Ann and her journey, go to:
Thank you!


  1. I'll be thinking of her and keeping her in my prayers.

  2. I am now in the midst of praying for her.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  3. Hi Karen,

    I saw on one of my friend's fb comment that today is Compassionate Friends worldwide candlelighting day ~ so I wanted you to know that I am going to light a candle in honor of Katie and the children of my other friends who have traveled on before us ~ hugs, L in Alaska

  4. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Ann. I know it will help her.

    @ L in AK: Thank you so much for lighting a candle tonight and including Katie in your thoughts. I went to Mass tonight, and I think the lighting of the Advent candle was for all of those children, and for all of the world. XO


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!