
Saturday, July 11, 2009

We're Back!

We are back from three weeks' vacation in Europe. Gregg and I decided, about a year ago, to use some of the many airline-mileage points that he has accumulated in his travels for work, to take David to some of our favorite places. As David is heading into his senior year of high school, we know that this is a time that we won't see again; it's an opportunity to be together in a way that won't recur. We decided to carpe diem, and it was good.

I woke up in Switzerland on the day I turned 50, and went to bed in Italy. That was good.

Right now, I am looking at a mountain of laundry, and the Tour de France is on TV...if you know us, you'll know that David and I will be pre-occupied with it until its end. For us, it's truly "23 days in July," it takes a certain precedence in our home every summer...and we are enjoying it. One of the highlights of our trip was standing by the side of the road in the south of France, under the shade of the plane trees, watching the riders whiz past us in a blur of color, energy, glory and joy.

I will be sorting through photos and notes, and will share here when I can.

Hope your summer is off to a good start. God bless you!


  1. Welcome back! What a blessing that you were able to share this experience with your son. It is certainly a trip he'll never forget. Happy belated birthday, my friend! I look forward to seeing the pictures and reading the stories that go with them.

  2. I was so happy today to see that you were back! We have missed you. I'm glad that you had a wonderful time in Europe -- and happy belated Birthday. Not sure whether you had noticed while there or while you're watching the Tour, but a little boy named Pablo from Los Angeles is being honored, continuously, by Lance Armstrong and LiveStrong. He died a couple of weeks ago from a Wilms Tumor. His father's website is incredible and inspiring. Love to you!

  3. Yay! Exciting that you are back - and I can definitely recommend Europe! Looking forward to seeing where you went. Have also seen the Tour twice - once when they started in Dublin and then (amazingly!) for the final stage round the Champs Elysee in Paris - cannot describe how great it was - plus instead of seeing them flying past just once you get to see all they cyclists going past on each lap. Brilliant. Happy birthday also.


  4. Your trip sounds amazing and HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!!!
    Can't wait to see the pictures!

  5. Ha[[y birthday! It sounds as though you all had a wonderful time. Can't sait to see the pics.

  6. Welcome back! I've missed your posts. And happy happy belated birthday! Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate.

  7. Welcome back! Can't wait to see some pictures. One of my BFFs lives in Italy and I should visit her one day - =). Hugs! L in AK

  8. yay, karen, glad you are back safe and sound and had ad lovely time!! i love, love, love Europe. glad you went. can't wait to hear all about it, especially your italian travels. =)
    as of yesterday, lance was in third! wow, not too shabby for an old guy. :D

  9. Welcome back! I cannot imagine a better way to spend your birthday. Enjoy your 23 days in July :).

  10. Welcome back and happy birthday! Sounds like an amazing trip...can't wait to see the pics and hear all about it! :-D

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. welcome back from Europe. Hope the washing pile is diminishing. Our family is now finished with airports for a while- we have been all over the place this year. My own front gate looks very appealling at the moment.
    I think the idea of going away with your son was brilliant. I have just come back from Disneyland Paris with teenager and it was a real pleasure to have him to myself.

  13. I love how you woke up in Switzerland, and fell asleep in Italy! Just another day right!?!?!

    You have made memories that will last a lifetime for David. And for you and Gregg too of course. Going to look at your pics now!


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