
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Please Pray

Please pray for my dear friend.
She just called to tell me that her beautiful son collapsed & passed on suddenly, today.
She has asked for prayers.


  1. I will. Unimaginable. I am so sorry for your friend and for you and this shocking loss.

  2. Breaks my heart...sending big prayers her way. Suz

  3. Heartbreaking. Been there. I am praying for your dear friend. Grace and mercy, Lord.

  4. Of course. Of course. May she feel the arms of other bereaved mothers around her now and may God grant her some modicum of peace in time.

  5. Consider it done. I'm so very sorry for your friend's tragic loss.

  6. May the Lord welcome him to his kingdom and protect his family.

    Ps.90.4: "He will overshadow thee with his shoulders: and under his wings thou shalt trust."

    Irene x

  7. Lord, embrace this family in your loving care. You alone know the extent of their anguish, the shock, the horror, the devastation that this terrible, terrible loss is wreaking upon their lives. Surround them with family and friends and neighbors to hold them up in the next days and weeks and months, pour out your compassion upon them, and help them to find, somehow, sustenance in you, whether they recognize it or not, and in the knowledge that their son has been and continues to be a great gift in their lives. Help them to stand this day, and the next one, and the next one. Amen.

  8. Thank you all...these prayers are helping me, as I'm sure they are helping her.

  9. How awful, my thoughts are with her.

  10. Karen, praying for "peace that transcends all understanding" to you today in the face of this tragedy for your friend.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!