
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Taking a Break

Dear Blog Friends,

I am going to take a break from the computer (email / caringbridge / facebook / blogs) for a bit. Everything is okay; no need to worry about me.
I will be posting here & over at Hopeful Parents later this month, but otherwise, it will be quiet here. I will think of all of you and, of course, I'll be writing in my head!

Right now, it's time to focus my attention on my family as the summer begins. See you soon.

Sending love and blessings to you!


  1. Enjoy your break and your wonderful family. I shall be cutting back also...time to check those priorities. But what are we to do with the voices in our heads. I mean, the writing in our heads???

  2. Rich blessings on you, on Gregg & David and on your summer ahead. Soak it all in and enjoy!


  3. Well, if you don't get back online before your birthday, HAVE A GREAT ONE! In Sweden, your 25th, 50th and 75th birthdays are the BIG ONES. You get flowers delivered or brought by friends every hour =). Have a good break - well miss you! L in Alaska

  4. Have a wonderful virtual holiday -- I will miss you!

  5. Will miss you! Enjoy the time with the fam and have a great start to the summer!

    Hugs to ya!

  6. lots of love to you and many blessings. enjoy your time off! we all need to sit back and do a little more enjoying of life with simple contemplation, less electronics. xxoo

  7. Enjoy your break! I feel like I've been taking an unintentional break lately, and now that I'm on summer vacation I may just continue it. Either way, you'll be missed!

  8. Leslie "Pineapple" KromJune 19, 2009 at 1:50 AM

    Enjoy your break with Gregg and David! We'll all be eagerly waiting for your next blog.

    I'll have CGT pics for you too :)

    Katie and David will be with us in spirit.

    Much Love, and looking forward to seeing you in July!

  9. You'll be missed! Enjoy the break - hope David gets on well with his job; I"ll watch out for the Hopeful Parents posts.


  10. Enjoy the summer! You don't know me, and I don't have a blog, but I love reading yours. It's the first one I check everyday! You are such an inspiration. I look forward to your return. Take care.


  11. yours in one of my favourite blogs so I will miss you but hope you enjoy your cyber break and the summer holidays
    all the best to you

  12. Good for you. Have a happy, peaceful time with your family.

  13. I will miss you, but enjoy the summer with your family. Lots of love sent to you from the Beehive State. We may be in your area later in July and I would love to meet you. Take Care and God Bless.

  14. That's the smartest thing I've ever heard! Good for you and have a lovely summer!

  15. Enjoy your break, Karen! And enjoy your family! :)

  16. Breaks are good. It's getting pretty summery around here too. I love you, girlfriend! xoxo.

  17. i understand the need for a break as well as the "blogging in your head" :) I hope you have a great time with Gregg and David and really enjoy the summer.

  18. I miss you 'round here! Hope your break is fabulous and you return fully recharged. You're in my thoughts and prayers always!

  19. Lovely post at hopeful parents - definitely an inspiration for me to work hard at all the relationships in my life. Can never be reminded enough times!

    Hope you're enjoying your break.



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