
Friday, June 12, 2009

Dear Wrigley...

Dear Wrigley,
This is our neighbor, Louie. He is a Golden Boy, like you.

He & his Jack Russell brother, Buddy, love swimming, and chasing sticks & tennis balls, especially if there are kids to play with.
They have had a lot of fun with David & Katie over the years.

Maybe you could come over for a visit, and he could show you a thing or two about how much fun it is to go swimming in the Sound...then you could run, swim & chase tennis balls with him & Buddy...and David.

Love from your pals,

Latte & Liger
P.S. We like to ride in boats, too, but we don't have a life-jacket like yours, you lucky dog!


  1. I love how well Latte and Liger type. Very impressive. Did they take the great pictures of the kids and dogs too? SO great!!!

  2. Dear Latte and Liger,

    I sure love those pics! Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I wasn't such a baby about the water because it looks like everyone was having such a great time. Maybe I can kayak over with my Daddy???

    You two are really sweet. In fact, I think I have a crush on you both. I must find a way to come see you. I must! I Must!!!

    Your lover,

  3. That last picture of your children running in the water is breathtaking... captures the whole meaning of childhood. I sort of know what you mean about school ending - I experience a fair amount of anxiety until we settle into our respective routines.

  4. When I look at your pictures of Katie and David I see two children that are very very happy.

    You have made a wonderful life for your children Karen.

    A wonderful life.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  5. I love you Latte. I love you Liger. That pic of them on the chair makes my heart just melt.

  6. I love the cat pic- it reminds me of other half and I. Really happy pics- lovely

  7. I love the pictures of the kids in the water with the animals...makes me a little teary-eyed to imagine how you feel when you see those pictures. God bless you guys!


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