
Monday, May 11, 2009

If This Doesn't Make You Smile...

...I don't know what will. Here is the "new look" in men's Spring mufflers!

Okay, actually, when Liger was on his way to bed last night, he took a slight detour...and gave Gregg some love.

God bless you and your day.


  1. OMG Laughing so hard! slight detour to Gregg's neck! Soooo cute.

  2. He needs to wear that "new look" to work on the chilly days. Should talk to Tom about selling at Nordies.

  3. Bwwuuuuaaaah-ha-ha-ha! There is nothing more I love than animal pictures. I love these! Gregg is such a good sport. (Still giggling!)

  4. My thoughts, exactly, Smileygirl! "Hot" fashion tip of the day! XO

  5. Slight detour? How cute.
    I suppose PETA can't get mad if you wear living animals. Can they?

  6. That's what I think, too, Suz! A new, animal-friendly trend.

  7. Awww...makes me want to get a kitty! We always had a cat (the same one, she was 17 when she died) when we were growing up...but I don't think Kona (black lab we have now) is kitty friendly...booo!

    L in AK


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