
Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Good Day

I've told you about my friend, Kathleen, whose son Hayden had a rare brain tumor that no one has ever seen before, or since. It's still a mystery to the doctors. When I met her, back in the late 1990s, Hayden was still alive, but I never got to meet him. Because of our friendship, I feel as if I know him, through Kathleen's eyes.

Kathleen & I went to the beach for a walk yesterday. She & I hit the ground with our thoughts running, and we hardly stopped talking the entire time we were together. We have a deep, rich well of topics to discuss, from God to our families to cancer research. She is original, passionate, funny, intelligent, determined and faithful. Oh, and she's about to become single.

No, WE are not getting engaged...but when you put your camera on a log, and set the timer, you end up looking very happy in the photos! And we ARE happy to be together.
Thank you, God, for good friends.
David had the day off from school, so he was with a friend, playing tennis, rowing, playing basketball and going to the Mariners' game last night - the one that went on and on and on. Gregg & I took the opportunity to go out for dinner to one of our favorite pubs...the one that has the ONLY beer I've ever liked. They brew their beers right there on site...this one is strong, dark & delicious (Fat Scotch Ale by Silver City Brewing Co., in case you are interested). With a fresh halibut salad for me and a wasabi burger for Gregg, it was a great meal. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Such cute pics of you both. Too bad we don't know many single men out this way. Would she want to move to S. Cal or Chicago??? If so, I've got some names!

    The pub beer and wasabi burger make my mouth water. I am craving them both right now and it's only after 9am. Problems.


  2. And a happy weekend to you, too. You and your friend are both such beautiful women.

  3. Wonderful pictures of two beautiful women. Wishing Kathleen good luck in her new life. :)
    Dinner sounds good...I bet David was exhausted after his day. I was just reading all he did!!!

  4. Sounds like a great day with a great friend! You girls look like you had a blast! : )

    I'm so sorry to hear about her son, though.

  5. I'm so happy that you have found so many friends to support you, for you to talk with, for you to help, too. It makes it all just a bit more tolerable.

  6. A wasabi burger. Sounds lovely. So does the halibut mind you.
    First full day in Seattle and I am completely in love with it already. What an awesome beautiful place.
    I could live here.No doubt about it.
    My friends live in the Avondale/ Redmond area. Today we have been to Redmond town centre and WoodinVille. We went to the Wholefood store. I was blown away by it. I could spend hours and hours in there.

  7. MB: YES! BooHoo, I MISS YOU!

    Jo: Welcome to the Puget Sound area! You are experiencing the best weather we've had all's more like summer! I'm so glad you like it here. I hope you are going to go to the Pike Market & the waterfront in Seattle. If you get to take a ferry ride, I'm guessing you'll be even more in love. Enjoy & God bless you!

  8. I love reading your blog and I always love your pictures and stories of family and friends. I wish the best for your friend and I would love to eat at that PUB :)

  9. Okay, that was Saturday, today is Monday?(tapping my foot with my hands on my hips)

  10. Have a great weekend Karen.

    Lots of love to you.

    Renee xoox


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