
Monday, May 25, 2009

18 Years

Today, Gregg & I celebrate 18 years of marriage.

I'm so thankful to be his wife.

He's my best friend,
my confidant,
my love,
my buddy,
the person whose company I enjoy above all others.

He has been with me through the best times and the worst times of my life.

He is the man who made me a mother, and he is a wonderful father.

He's the man whose family I am privileged to have joined.
He is beloved by my family.

He is my beloved.

I'm thankful to God for bringing us together.

Thank you, Gregg, for 18 wonderful years (and for your faithfulness and love through the ten worst months of our lives).

I love you!


  1. Aw shucks -- you guys are so cute!

    Happy Anniversary to you!

  2. Happy anniversary, Karen & Gregg!! I hope to have at least half as wonderful of a marriage as you share. You made a beautiful bride and groom!

    blessings :)

  3. Ummmm you look about 16 years old in your wedding photos!!!

  4. Thank you for the good wishes. You're very sweet, but I was 31 at the time! How do you like the hairdo? =) Remember when that was stylin?

  5. What a beautiful couple!!! I really liked your you still have it????
    Congratulations on 18 years...quite a feat for some...but not for those who are in LOVE!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary!

    I know, it's hard to believe what the "worse" in "for better or worse" turns out to be sometimes. It looks and sounds like the two of you each found a wonderful companion to share that burden as well as the joys.

  7. sweet! Happy anniversary! Love your pics too... love the hair.. I had that hair once. I think evvverybody had that hair once. lol Beautiful dress too! : )

  8. Happy Anniversary! You are so lucky to have each other...your words say it all.

  9. You guys have such a cool marriage -- how fun to see all the cute pictures!

    Also fun to see another -- ahem -- "older" bride; I, too, was 31.

    Happy anniversary!


  10. A MOST Happy Anniversary! I love the photo's...such a beautiful couple then and now!

    Of all the people in the world...God put you two together to walk this path, through the good and bad. What a MIGHTY God!


  11. Karen Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

    I can't believe how much your daughter Katie looks like you both. Almost a 50/50 split.

    I think your son looks just like you.

    The pictures are wonderful.


  12. what a lovely post. He looks lovely- very kind and warm. Congratulations to you both. We are having a wonderful time here in Seattle. About to have a couple of days in San Francisco to see a friend. Very exciting. I am loving every minute of this holiday

  13. Happy anniversary! Sorry I missed it!


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