
Monday, April 20, 2009

The Renee Award

This beautiful award was given to me by brilliant and witty Elizabeth of "a moon, worn as if it had been a shell." The award was originally created by two women who wanted to show their appreciation of the impact their friend Renee made on their lives. Elizabeth wrote that it is "to be given to those that, like Renee, are like 'the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns...' "

In the past, out of some sense of modesty, I've put awards in postings, and then let them drift into the archives. I'm going to (immodestly) put this one on my sidebar. It's already brightened my day, and I think it may do that when I see it again.
I pass this award on to Sheri, whose beautiful writing voice and message is part of why I started to blog (is that a verb?); Paul Dudley, whose life creating beautiful photography includes lots of volunteering to make life better for kids with cancer, and Kathryn Antyr of Collage Diva and Soul Journal for her rich and varied inspirations.
Thank you, Elizabeth.


  1. Well deserved, Karen! Congratulations! Is there a website about Renee?

    I've heard it is a beautiful day in Washington - it is very foggy here.

    Enjoy your day! L in Alaska

  2. Yaaaay for nice!


  3. Dear L,
    I don't know of a website about Renee, but you can see Elizabeth's posting on her blog, "a moon, worn as if it had been a shell" (isn't that a wonderful name?). She may know who Renee is.

  4. How sweet and thoughful...much deserved my Friend!!!

  5. Thank you Karen. I am humbled that I myself have inspired you in any way. Your voice is so strong and so universal. Thank you for the award..I adore you heart and soul.

  6. Well I know who Renee is. I followed your beautiful face from that very blog that Elizabeth writes.

    You have a beautiful family.

    Cancer is a real bastard.



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