
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Talk Like Shakespeare

I just found out that it's Talk Like Shakespeare Day, in honor of the Bard's 445th birthday!
Here is a link to the website:
where you can find a downloadable poster:

If you are a fan (or even if you think you're not), check out the Ashland (Oregon) Shakespeare Festival. The work of the Bard comes alive there, and it's a fantastic way to see and hear his work performed, beautifully. I have enjoyed our trips there, and LOVED the performances, the charming restaurants, bed & breakfast inns & window-shopping in town. Gregg and I spent a few days there at the end of our honeymoon (on the way home from Maui), and it was fabulous.

Have thyself a wonderful birthday evening!


  1. How funny. I have never been a big fan myself. The girls were watching a new version of Romeo and Juliet this last weekend that Lauren just loves...Linds looked a bit confused by all the "words", I asked her if she liked it and she said: "It is ok, but I don't know what they are talking about...but I do know NOW what THY means"
    This cracked me up.

  2. You can't even imagine the fun Lex is having with this! He and his goofy friend talk like this a lot as it is (it's fun raising a genius geek who has other genius geeks for friends!!) so today, they're really laying it on thick! I have a feeling their Honors English teacher is going to have a field day with them. :)


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