
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter, Family & a DVF Dress

I hope you all had a blessed Easter.

Neither Gregg nor David wanted to attend worship services, and to be honest, I didn't want to be in a crowd, either. I read Easter devotions here at home, and that fit just fine, this year.

We were planning to have Easter dinner with the Cunninghams (Mike & Andrea's family), but our hostess, Peggy, got sick, so we will reschedule with them. Instead, we moved the gathering to Chuck & Cheri's house. Gregg made a fruit salad and I made Almond Roca bars, we brought some wine and picked up Grandma & Grandpa G, and drove out to Hood Canal.
Above is a photo of Chuck, Cheri, Mike, Andrea, Grandpa G, Grandma G and Joey.

Andrea & Mike were visiting relatives in Arizona this weekend, but Joey was at his parents' house, which was a bonus for us. Joey (okay, Joel) is Andrea's younger brother. Joey is the cousin with whom Katie walked down the aisle at Andrea & Mike's wedding.
He lives near Andrea & Mike, and he works on tugboats, so he is out at sea a fair amount of the time. We don't get to see Joey often these days, and it's always a great treat, when we do.
We used to live practically next-door to Chuck & Cheri, and our kids grew up together. Joey has changed a lot since then, having added a beard, long hair and a fantastic tattoo, but he's just as handsome as ever.

I have to post this photo of one of the beautiful dresses that Alex allowed me to have, which belonged to her mother, Zena. Zena was a beautiful, elegant, spiritual woman whom I never met, but I know & love her daughter.

Zena and Katie never met, either, as they lived on opposite coasts, but Alex knew Katie, and told Zena about her. Zena prayed for Katie during her illness. I sent a glassybaby to Zena to thank her for her prayers & love.

Zena passed away, not long after Katie. Having some of her dresses means a great deal to me. Each time I wear one, I think of Zena and Katie. I hope they have met now. Thank you, Alex; thank you, Angela & Bev, for connecting us!

This dress is by Diane von Furstenberg. I wore it out to dinner with my new boots (60% 0ff at Magnolia's on Madison). Can you believe that I live in the Seattle area and did not own a pair of boots (other than hiking boots)? Seriously.


  1. You are one hot mama! LOVE the boots!!

    Love the pictures of Katie & Joey...she was a happy young woman! You'll have to pass on your recipe for Almond Roca...that would be fun to try!

    Enjoy your Monday!!

  2. What sweet pics!

    Love the dress and the boots. You really ARE one hot mama! LOL

    We spent our Easter quietly too. Not fond of the crowds either. But it can be meaningful, whether you go or stay at home. : )

  3. What wonderful photos. You are certainly a chic woman -- and the smiles that your whole family possess -- they're just so full of joy.

  4. I am so happy that you ended up having a nice Easter, even if you were not really feeling the "tradional" Easter this year.
    It is nice whenever you can spend time with family and friends...take a few moments to reflect and appreciate your time with them. Great pictures...
    That dress? Those boots? That smile? boom-chica-wowwow
    Karen, you are just gorgeous. Your smile is infectious and you radiate warmth. REALLY.
    Hugs my friend!!!!

  5. wow- you look like a million dollars in that dress, and so slim- what an inspiration to me on my diet.
    I see you live in Seattle area- other half and I are coming over end of May to stay with friends. I just can't wait - it looks beautiful

  6. Thank you for your kind words...that dress makes me feel GREAT!
    Amy, it's embarassing, but the Almond Roca bars were baked from a mix that I bought @ Costco! And they were delicious.
    Lakeland Jo, I hope you have great weather and get to see some of the beautiful sights around here. Let me know if you need any info...your friends probably know good places to take you.

  7. Total babetron; the boots make the outfit. Za-zow! And you look so perfectly "at home" in that dress.

    Glad you had a pleasant, quieter Easter this year ... it sounds like you made the perfect choice for yourself and "the boys."


  8. You look fabulous! Glad you had a good Easter - I meant to mention that I am getting on just fine with Richard Rohr - and actually read some of his stuff while waiting for the Easter service here to commence on Saturday night - must let you know which bits I liked when I have the text to hand - but thanks again for the recommendation.


  9. I am thrilled you finally broke down and bought a pair of boots!!!!!Yeah you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. this dress is just awesome and you look amazing in it.

  11. OMG that dress and the boots are FABULOUS! I Haven't kept up with my blogs in a while and I just came on tonight to check in. WOW! You look amazing in that get up!


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