
Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy, and a Prayer Request

David has called twice from Paris, and is having a great time. Hooray!

This guy
is on his way home to me (he has been in Spain, on business)! I can't wait to wrap my arms around him!

All of you praying people, will you please pray with me tomorrow evening as I prepare to give my talk? I'm speaking at a benefit for the American Cancer Society's summer camp for kids who have cancer (and their siblings), Camp Goodtimes. I am going to tell the story of what camp meant to our family, to help them raise money for it. Mooselips will be the MC of the evening, so that should be fun. We have to be there around 4:30. I want to be a blessing in what I say and do there. Thank you so much!
I had a great visit with smileygirl today, but we forgot to take photos -- rats! (Pssst -- don't tell Chumley, but she was having a love-fest with Latte & Liger!)
Happy weekend to you!


  1. Praying for you as you prepare to give your talk! Nerves quieted. Emotions under control. Clear and heartfelt words!

    Hugs and prayers!

  2. I have no doubt that you'll do a wonderful job. :)

  3. Prayers are being sent your way from us but I know you are going to be amazing. I told my mom about Katie's experience at the camp on my ride home and she was tearing up over the phone. Katie's story will have quite an impact and you will do a wonderful job communicating that tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing about it!

  4. I will say a prayer and send good, strong wishes your way. I've done a fair amount of public speaking, reading some of what I've written about my daughter in front of large groups of medical professionals. It's always nerve-wracking and my voice often cracks. However, afterward I know that I've moved many because they usually come up and tell me so. It's all right if you get emotional -- what you say will be perfect. But I'll still pray that you are FINE!

  5. You will be wonderfully inspiring, as always. Just remember ... your level of ease is directly equal to your level of familiarity with the subject. And you KNOW this topic to the tips of your toes. xoxo.

  6. "Peace I leave with you;
    My peace I give you.
    I do not give to you
    as the world gives.
    Do not let your hearts
    be troubled and
    do not be afraid."

    John 14:27

    Best wishes, Karen! I know you won't be afraid! xo

  7. I too will say a pray: May you have peace in your heart, strength in your voice and emotion to share your message of this special place. I know too Karen that your family knows of this wonderful camp and all it has to offer. That is why you will be able to deliver a powerful speech. I too can attest to all the wonderful things it does for kids with cancer and their siblings. That 1 week is truly the best thing in life for any child who has had to endure cancer treatment. They leave with so many friendships that will last a lifetime, and have laughed to much. I am so happy that you will be delivering this talk, as you have powerful words that reach out and touch so many.
    Blessings & hugs,

  8. Karen,

    It will be my honor to pray! And I am glad that David is having a wonderful adventure, but I must confess...I am JEALOUS. :-)

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend...I KNOW you will be a blessing.


  9. Sending strength, good energy and prayers today!

    I wrote something for you on my blog!!

  10. Will be praying! Though I'm not sure what our time difference is... I know you have blogged about Katie's time at camp before, but it would be really interesting to read your talk if you are able to post it/a link. I have read some of "Mooselips'" blog (such wonderful photos) - it sounds like a great organisation.

    Hope you weren't too lonely without your guys! Glad Smileygirl picked up the slack!


  11. Praying in Alaska for you - you'll do well!


  12. Good luck tonight...although I think this is just what you are put on this earth to do...spread the word...tell your story like only YOU can.
    Glad Gregg is going to be with you...
    Hugs to you, Suz

  13. Irene, thank you for asking. I will post it as soon as I get the photos to go with it.

    Cathy, we saw some great photos of Tanner, and heard some fun stories about him...apparently he was a duct tape genius! His photos were in the slideshow, too. He is loved and remembered well at camp.

  14. Will be praying for clear-mindedness and peace -- and whatever else you need. One of your strengths is that your descriptions of Katie, her personality, her experiences (and yours as a family) are so VIBRANT that even those of us who never had the honor of knowing her, or you, are captured by your words. When you write, her experiences and yours come to life ... and they carry beauty, light, dignity, joy, sorrow -- truth! -- with them. I think this is and incredible part of Katie's legacy and you carry it out so beautifully. I have no doubt the audience to whom you speak, led by your words, will be able to truly enter into her story and be able to see Katie and everything that Camp Goodtimes meant to her and all of you, which was a great deal.



  15. Hi Karen, and hello also to the wonderful people here that are following your amazing life journey.

    I just want to tell you Karen that I can't stop thinking about the wine auction on Saturday and your show stopping comments. The only time of the entire night when the room was perfectly silent was when you were speaking. Actually, you could hear many people trying to hold back tears, most unsuccessfully (including myself). You spoke from the center of your being from such a vulnerable place but you did so with so much strength and love. I was, am, will always be, so proud of you. After your speech, within 5 minutes, we raised $20,000 for camp!! That is concrete evidence of how much you connected with everyone in that room. I'll post some photos that I shared that night and some ones of you speaking soon on my blog (only if they're super cute, because you know I always have your back. I was going to give the photographer a few pointers but didn't think it would be my place!).

    I really think Katie would have been so proud of you as well (although, as we were joking, it might have taken her a few minutes to admit). Her memory will never fade...especially with your rare ability to tell her story (and yours) so beautifully and eloquently.

    I certainly hope also that you will tell your friends how awesome it was that Gregg got up on stage to announce a raffle winner (and you thought that would never happen!). Granted, he only had one line, one word actually "6" but he too, spoke it perfectly!!

    An amazing night, highlight by amazing friends....thank you, thank you, thank you!

  16. Karen,

    You were amazing! Even though I had the opportunity to read your speech and practice it several times to time the slide show, I still found myself sobbing. There was not a dry eye in the house, in fact, it took a couple minutes for everyone to catch their breath. You helped us raise $20,000 in one fail swoop. Be proud, be very proud of yourself!!

    Thank you thank you!


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