
Monday, March 23, 2009

Eva Cassidy's "Over the Rainbow"

If you have five and a half minutes to be really quiet, turn up the volume & listen to this recording of Eva Cassidy singing, "Over the Rainbow." I've never heard anyone else who can do justice to this song as she did.

When Katie was dying, and after she passed away, I used to listen to Eva Cassidy singing this song on my iPod while I walked or ran, and think about Katie...and I would cry. The way Eva sang it with such depth of longing and unfulfilled desire speaks of the longing to be free that I know that Katie felt at the end of her life. It speaks to the dreams that didn't come true for her in this life, and that is part of why it makes me cry. I wanted to play it during Katie's Celebration of Life, but Gregg vetoed it as too sad; he felt it wasn't in keeping with Katie's wish that it be a real "party." He was right.

Tonight, it's very beautiful and wistful. I'm not crying, but it is always a deep exerience to hear her sing.

In case you didn't know, Eva Cassidy also had cancer, and she passed away as a young adult. Something tells me that is part of why she sang the song with so much longing, understanding and depth of emotion. Her voice is magical. I'm so thankful that there are recordings of her. It's a beautiful gift and legacy that she left.


  1. Thank you for this video. It gave me a good, clean cry. Something that I really, really needed to do. I'm going to post the video on my own blog, hoping that you won't mind.

  2. Dorothy's version is currently Sam's favorite. I never gave the lyrics much throught until reciently. With everything we've gone through it definately holds new meaning.

  3. A beautiful voice. God I hate cancer. I just growled it out loud and it scared my pups. Oops.

  4. Such a beautiful version of a beautiful song. I can see why this would make you does that for me too.
    My Brother loved The Wizard of this song always makes me think of him, and it is just a beautiful song anyway.
    Sorry to hear this young lady passed away so young...cancer is horrid.

  5. Her version of Fields of Gold is currently my favourite of hers; such a beautiful voice.


  6. Eva Cassidy's voice has a way of winding its way straight to your heart. I understand, in a way, how it reminds you of Katie. A few years ago when I experienced a particulary difficult trauma I would also put my ipod on to Eva and let the anxiety and worry be soothed. I'm so sorry that you lost your beautiful daughter.

  7. This is SO INTERESTING! I LOVE Eva Cassidy, and after my father died it was her recording of Fields of Gold that I listened to over and over, and I cried every time.

    We are such sisters. I'm really sorry we couldn't do quilts last weekend; can we do coffee sometime next week?

  8. PS: and did I say thank you for posting this? Thank you -- it's so beautiful...

    I will post this on my site tomorrow. I'd wanted to post the fields of gold youtube video as a response, but it is just a pastiche of the image from this video with Fields of Gold dubbed over it. Not the same impact, though I still love the song.

    Awesome. I love the power music has.

  9. For those of you who are "Fields of Gold" fans, I found this YouTube video through smileygirl:
    and yes, Diane, coffee would be lovely next week! I wish all of you kind commenters could join us...

  10. So do I! Well, I'll let you know if I'm passing through...!


  11. Oh, I wish I could come for coffee, too. Have a skinny white chocolate double shot mocha extra hot for me, okay?

    Thanks also for posting the video. I've never heard of her, but her voice is beautiful although her story is tragic...

    I also like "Over the Rainbow" by Israel (the Hawaiian guy) - can't ever spell his last name.

    Take care - bless you today!

    L in Alaska

  12. Oh, Karen. Eva Cassidy really found the depth of meaning behind the simplicity of these lyrics. Deeply moving rendition. Thank you for sharing it; I'd only heard it once before, several years ago, and remember being so struck by it then too.

    It both sweetens and saddens my heart to think of you listening to it while running or walking and thinking of Katie -- and crying. Thinking of how Eva Cassidy conveys the freedom and longing Katie felt at the end of her life. I don't even know her, and yet so wish she was still living here on earth (as opposed to living beyond-yet-nearby, as she is now) with you.

    Did Katie listen to this song and connect with it as well, or is it primarily one that you listened to on your own?

    As "L in Alaska" mentioned above, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's rendition is one with which I'm also familiar; it's jaunty, light and sweet. Much different than Cassidy's more deeply felt rendition.

    And heck yeah, I'd love to join you and Diane and all these fine folks for coffee -- wouldn't that be dreamy? Now if I could just find out a way to teleport from Chicago to the west coast ...


  13. Lovely... simply that, Lovely. And a beautiful tribute to both Eva and Katie.

  14. Again, your words are like a soft wind on a warm day, very kind. I had never heard of her before. I love that song.

    I'm glad you are keeping up on your quilts.

  15. I have loved Eva Cassidy forever. Her music does have special meaning because, I think, it is filled with the raw emotion of having to deal with her mortality at such a young age.

    Thanks for sharing the video Karen!

  16. thank you for that recording, karen. i played it on repeat all evening while working at my bench. and thought of you. love xxoo

  17. I love Eva Cassidy. I listened to one of her CDs every morning when I drove to work as my grandmother was dying and for several months afterward. Those songs are so deeply touching, as you say. They often remind me of my grandmother.

  18. Have you heard Eva and Katie Melua's duet of What a Wonderful World?

    Wonderful World

    I think you will really love it. Their voices blend together beautifully.


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