
Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Day in the City

I went to see these two yesterday:

He and I get along like a house on fire (she's pretty nice, too),
...but his brother (Chumley) doesn't like me. This is hard on my little ego, as I do like to think of myself as "catnip" to cats. I'm a cat-whisperer; they love me, and I love them. I've now met the exception to the rule; I've met my match, and he wins. A slice of humble pie for one, please!
Too bad, Chumley! We could have made beautiful music together. Just look at how happy Wrigley is! If you change your mind, just drop me a note.

I think Wrigley is trying to make up for it by kissing me every chance he gets, and trying to sit on my lap. He doesn't know how big he is.

Smileygirl & I drove all over town, and laughed and laughed. Then we went out for dinner with Tom. It was fun. Thanks, Tom! You are a gem.

On my way to the city, a pod of orcas swam by the stern of the ferry. It happened too fast to get a good photo, but it was magical. A mild, sunny day in February, and a pod of orcas going by as I "commuted" into Seattle; a good opportunity to stop and say, "Thank you" to our Creator for beauty, and for moments of calm & joy.

Thank you for a lovely day, Smileygirl! You're a gem, too. Hugs to everyone (even his nibs, C. Buttingtons. Just don't tell him it's from me).


  1. Oh, you brought a huge smile to my face with this. I LOVE the pictures of you, Smiley and Wrigs. He is like a person in a dog suit it seems.
    The orcas?? WOW, is all I can say. I would love to see them myself. I had a dream last night that I saw huge whales...up close at the beach. But of course it was ruined by the attacking turtles. geeze.

  2. I love the pics of you and Wrigs! He is ALL over you ALL the time when you come here. He is obsessed with his Auntie Karen.

    Chumley, well that's a hopeless case. I still can't believe he managed to get out of the laundry room. You have to tell me what Greg said about his latest behavior (still haven't told Tom yet).

    Saw the Orcas on the news this morning. AMAZING. I love how nature surrounds this city. It's pretty darn cool.

    Now to work on our invention...

  3. chumley must have difficulty in recognizing quality.

    His/her/its loss, not yours

  4. Sounds like a lovely day. A pod of orcas? Too cool!

  5. Let me just say.........JEALOUS! : -) Have a Happy day, and keep enjoying that beauty that God gives ya!


  6. Hi Karen... Just wanted to say 'hi'.... thank you for your kind words. I check in with your blog, but i'm not really great about leaving comments... I'm glad all is going as well as possible. Take care.

  7. Love seeing the beautiful smiles in these shots! Glad to see you having those fun moments. : )

  8. A pod of orcas! How magical!

    And I love the picture of you and Wrigley looking at each other... look at the SMILE on his face! Is he the sweetest pooch, or what?

    As far as Chumley, I know you're not taking it personally.... you know, as we all do, that he doesn't like ANY humans, not even his sweet, patient, long-suffering owner!

  9. These photos are too cute. I love thinking about you all being friends now.

  10. I have tried and tried to be friends with Chums, but to no avail, I can't break him. I'm not giving up though! haha...

  11. Hi Karen,
    So sorry that Peggy and I couldn't get a chance to see you last week. Thanks for the note. Where is Katie's bench located? When the weather warms up, I'd like to do a bike ride out to see it.
    Thanks again,


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