
Friday, January 23, 2009

Creative Every Day "Helper"

I am working on some ideas for an art project this evening. As I look at photo images in magazines, ripping out the ones that apply to the images in my head, a "helper" appears. Actually, he is more of an owner. This is Latte, the king of beasts.

He is desperately in need of his daily face massage. It must have been a big day in the great outdoors. We put our cats outdoors in the morning (after it is light outside) and we let them in when it is getting dark in the evening.
Latte loves to lie down next to one of us, half on your lap & half on the couch, with his head on your leg, begging soundlessly for (demanding) a massage. He has a hypnotically beautiful gaze; I cannot resist him. He loves to have both sides of his face and the top of his head rubbed, and he is a very insistent guy. Can you see him smiling at the camera? Oh, and watch your teacup or your wine glass; his huge tail will send it crashing down.


  1. sweet. Don't you wish he could tell you all that he did that day...I could only imagine.
    I too, would love to lay on the couch at night and have someone rub my back...oh, a massage sounds so good.
    Plus, I don't have a messes from me.

  2. Ooh, this just makes me want to get a cat! My dog is not cat-friendly, however. We had an awesome cat when I was growing up - they are hard to find! BTW, I love it that your cat curls up in the sink. You can tell you are a flylady if your sink is empty enough for a catnap! L in Alaska

  3. Awwww... sometimes our kitty gives me so much 'help' I have to lock her up in the bedroom when I have a big mess.. I mean project spread out all over the place. : )


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