
Monday, December 15, 2008

More Quilts!

I've been pinning and sewing quilts this week. A fellow CB mom is going to deliver them to Children's for me, since she is going over there this week. Thank you, Reba!

Here are some photos of what I've been working on.

You can enlarge the photos, if you want to see the details of the fabric.


I made a couple of quilts with Christmas-y prints, in case some dear child gets his/her diagnosis during the holidays. I pray that won't be the case for anyone, but now there are a couple of quilts available to cover that possibility.

May God's love be felt by all families whose children (or other cherished ones) are ill!

My parents will arrive today from Palm Desert, so I am going to stock their refrigerator with groceries. It's supposed to snow again tonight, and I don't want them to be stranded and hungry (we don't have much snow-removal equipment around our area, and it's very hilly). Last year at this time, my dad was in the hospital with a very serious blood clot, so I am particularly thankful that he is well, and that they are able to come home & be with us for the holidays.

I hope that you and your loved ones are warm and cozy today.


  1. Those are absolutely gorgeous! Those families will be so comforted just by looking at them!

  2. A labour of love - they are beautiful. Thank you for the Rohr recommendations - I am hoping to order them over the holidays and will let you know how I get on!


  3. I miss pinning and sewing with you, they look wonderful and what a dedicated ministry you are offering. I hope mom and dad have a wonderful holiday season with you guys. Love you

  4. You are not alone in your love of Fabric. A couple weeks ago I treated myself to a quilting magazine. I just love looking through all the colors, texturs and new fabrics such magazines showcase. Keep up the good work, I know you've been able to provide so much comfort through the quilts you've made. :)

  5. I love those pretty!! The satiny edging looks so soothing and comfy.
    Such a great thing you are doing.
    I hope your parents make it there with no difficulties. You are a great daughter to stock their fridge!!


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