
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Liger & Latte

Laura, this is especially for you:
Aren't they adorable?

If you want to see more cute animals, go over to BusyBeeSuz and see her two boxers with Santa (and of course, the lovely Lo & Linds)!


  1. YAY! There are my sweet babies! They switched places but did you move the beds too? They are the sweetest most loving souls.

  2. Oh, they are so sweet. Do you always keep their beds in the laundry room? is it warm in there? So sweet...thanks for the shout out.
    Cocoa and Ozzie are exhausted from their big day...they went to bed at 7:00 tonight.

  3. We didn't switch their beds, but they switch places, often. The room is heated to the same temp. as the rest of the house...and they do have those nice fur coats! They also curl up together.

  4. Seeing the cats reminded me of our cat Tiger who lived with us at the cabin on Bainbridge Island. One night after dinner Tiger was chase by the neighborhood bully cat 7 spot Sam. They raced around the yard, Tiger just ahead of the monster 7 spot Sam. They proceeded on the chase towards our bulkhead Tiger barely out of reach from the bully. As they sped towards the bulkhead Tiger was out of control and could not make the 90 degree turn necessary to remain dry. Instead he flew out into Puget Sound and slowly swam to shore looking more like a drowned rat, than a cat. 7 spot Sam arrogantly watched until Tiger was on shore and then slowly walked away. 7 spot Sam was later revealed to be 6 spot Sue.


  5. Thanks for the story, PHIL! I love you, Dad!

  6. Give your kitties some sweet kisses from down here in Sandy-Eggo. They are precious. :-)


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