
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thanks, Auntie Nadine

Here is a photo that I received yesterday, showing kids wearing some of the sweaters and hats knitted by Auntie Nadine. Look at what a difference her hands are making in the lives of these children.

Nadine is widowed, and in her 80s. She had surgery on her hand, so she prescribed knitting as her physical therapy. In response to her own need, she's producing beauty and comfort; I admire that. She's an inspiration. Besides that, she is good company and as funny as can be.

Doesn't that photo make you smile?


  1. AWESOME!!! BEAUTIFUL!! I am most certainly smiling.

  2. So wonderful what she is doing. Making a difference in the lives of others....we should all learn from her. :)

  3. I am smiling! Therapy for one, a gift for another. What a great picture!

  4. how darling! i love knitting. it is so therapeutic. thanks for sharing these lovely sweaters!


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