
Friday, November 7, 2008

Liger Solves PBS "Mystery!"

Liger put everything he had into solving the PBS "Inspector Lynley" Mystery! that we rented from Netflix. He isn't telling us who did it, though...


  1. hI kiTty KaTT laTtE!!! ThiS herE is MiLo froM sAn diEgO! hoW r U?

    so sawwy 4 mY typEEng. I onLy hav PaWs.

    do U tayste like chiKiN? yuMMy!!!

    pRease coMe viSIt sooN, oK?!

    bye BYE noW!!!

    maMa's BoY MiLo

  2. Cats always find a way of blocking your view, don't they? It is funny what fascinates them- Princess P loves the food network.

  3. That is so funny! Does she block your view of the computer too? Mine does that.. and occasionally 'chases' the pointer on the screen. lol Cats are fun-Nee!

  4. So cute. Why do they insist on being in the way??? I suppose they just don't care what we as humans are doing or seeing.

  5. Ok he is soooo precious I just want to cuddle him! He's such a smart feline he should have his own detective show. Inspector Catget. That was dumb, I know.

  6. This is SO CUTE!!!!!

    I SO miss having cats.... one day, I'll have a couple again. Right now, dogs are "ruling the roost" over here.

    Liger is adorable!
    He needs a little Sherlock Holmes hat (and pipe). :-)

  7. This is so funny and cute! And we love Netflix! xoxo.


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