
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'd Take a Bullet for You

It is interesting, how often I have heard the expression, "I'd take a bullet for you," "I'd die for you," or "I'd jump in front of a train for you," etc. Not that anyone has said this TO me, about me, but I've heard it in books, movies, TV, what have you. When I'd hear it, I used to think, Not true. The instinct for survival is too strong; most people would stop long enough to reflect, even for a second, and would selfishly put their own life first. And I've always thought it was hyperbole, -- you know, overstating for dramatic effect, and certainly not a literal truth.

But now I know that it is true.

I would gladly have given my life in exchange for Katie's, if it had been possible to die in her place.

Now don't go getting excited here, as I am not suicidal at all...I am just stating a fact. I have had a wonderful life here on earth, with more than my fair share of goodness, love, gifts, ease, privileges, treats, and yes, even hardship. I have had time, 49 years, to LIVE. I have been loved, I have loved, I have worked, played, studied, vacationed, traveled, built, torn down, re-built, carried two babies and given birth. I have had a good life. Katie didn't get to do a fraction of the things that I have been able to do. I wanted her to be able to have her own life, fulfilled and fulfilling. Sadly, it wasn't available to me to give her my place. It just wasn't possible. So I did the best I could to give her everything I had to offer, including my whole heart's love.

She had to go on, and here I am, living without her. My life is still good, but it is certainly diminished. And I know that I would have taken a bullet for her.


  1. I agree with everything you just said....So sad that we don't get those choices. Someone has a plan. Of course we don't know it, but it is there somewhere in the universe.
    Take care,

  2. Beautifully written and a beautiful tribute to your undying love for your children.

  3. I've missed Katie's sweet little face. You are such a good mom :)

  4. You are such a wonderful Mother Karen.

    Warm hugs.

  5. This is so interesting. About the time you were writing this, I think, I was standing in the shower and realizing (first time I EVER had a thought like this) that I would be willing to take a bullet if it would protect Obama and his family.

    Where do these thoughts come from?

  6. Wonderful post! Katie was so blessed to have you as her mother.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!