
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

David's Birthday

David is fast approaching 16 years of age...his birthday is on Friday. Here is a little slideshow of some of his birthdays. Not all of our photos are organized, let alone on digital media, but hey!

He wanted a wool overcoat as his gift from us, so after shopping in a number of stores (Nordstrom, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Gap, Old Navy) and finding that they don't have much selection in his size, we made 3 trips to the "Men's Wearhouse." Three trips were necessary in order to have some sent from other stores, have David try them all on (multiple times), and settle on just the thing...a black, wool-cashmere blend, calf-length coat made by Calvin Klein. The kid has taste, and he loves the coat. We were fortunate to have a $50.00 gift certificate (from something-or-other in the past) to apply to it. Happy Birthday, big guy!

He is chomping at the bit to get his driver's license...and the only thing in his way is taking the actual driving exam...He already passed the written test and Driver's Ed. Though he's a great driver, I have the jitters.

We have been shopping for skis for David. He has rented his skiis in the past, so uncle Jim and aunt Caroline, who like to take him skiing, have offered to help pay for some new skiis for his birthday. We found just the pair, on sale, including bindings, and they were purchased today. Next is boots and poles.

More David news: he applied for a place on the Model United Nations team at his high school, and he was accepted. This means that he is going to be studying the U.N. for the next few months, in anticipation of the Model U.N. meetings in Washington D.C. This trip will involve traveling with his AP History teacher (the team leader) and a group of other kids, to stay in D.C. in February...just after the inauguration. What a blessing, and what a great time to go! They will also tour historic sites in the area while they are there. Talk about hands-on learning...and that overcoat will come in handy! Grandma and Kappa are paying for this trip; we appreciate that very, very much.

But wait, there's more...David also applied to take a trip to France with his French teacher and a group of students over spring break, and yes, he was accepted for that, as well. (My head is spinning a little bit.) He will go to Paris for a few days, and then head to the south of France. In the south, the students will attend a French school, each one will stay with a French family and travel with them for a weekend. I am so excited for him. I went to Europe with People to People International during the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, and it was a wonderful, formative, delightful experience.

You have to understand that this is our one kiddo at home. He's going to get a lot of focus, as well as be a little bit spoiled, as we are all so thankful to have him in our life! David has always been a wonderful guy, with a sterling character and a good sense of humor; he's a natural student, loves music, sports and has varied interests. Keeping up with this guy takes energy. He sleeps late on the weekends, but he packs a lot into his days.



  1. Happy birthday and congrats to David. The coat sounds beautiful. Such good taste at almost 16...just wait till he gets older. (I bet this means he has really good taste in people too....such as a "perfect" wife one day!!)
    The trips sound fantastic. What a great opportunity, both actually. That is what happens when you do the work at school....good things happen. And he deserves to be doted on and spoiled.

  2. Happy Birthday David and Wow, what a year it is going to be.

    And Karen, spoil away, he is an awesome kid that deserves it all :)

  3. My friend has a new driver at her house too. Oh my. Its different, that's for sure. We get the same feeling as you in regards to the spoiling thing.. when there is just the one. You're raising a wonderful son!

  4. WOW! Great slideshow, Karen! And Happy Birthday David! 16 is a BIG one... I remember well getting that drivers license... boy, what a heady feeling that was.... FREEDOM! :-)

    Sounds like you and Gregg have a raised a wonderful, responsible young man - here's a virtual toast to the 3 of you on his Birthday Week! Congrats to all and God bless your family!

  5. He sounds sensible - I'm sure he will be fine in the car :-) I did MUN in school and it was a really wonderful experience - it's fantastic for learning about debating, social issues, and a great chance to meet people from all over. If he passes through Cambridge, UK on his trip to Europe I would be happy to show him around (I'm finishing my PhD there).

  6. David - Happy Birthday! We love you...and you are an amazing guy...sensitive, caring, fun loving, with the ability to crawl around on the floor with my crazy kids (who ALL adore you...) to holding amazing conversations with the adults here (wait...that means I'm putting Adam and I in the "adult" category...hmmm!) I hope you have a WONDERFUL day...and kudos to both you and you have done one amazing job with him! All three of you are lucky! PS - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of Katie kissing him!!

  7. David is such a sweet young man.

    Happy Birthday David!

  8. Not spoiled at all. All of those experiences will give him a fantastic view of the world and make him a better person, LESS spoiled, as a result. Yes, he has blessings that some do not. The best gift you can, and are, giving him, is the awareness of his blessings.

    Happy birthday David (a day late, but very sincere). You sure have an awesome Mom. :) I guess that is God's gift to you..year...after year.

  9. Love the pictures. It really seems like you have raised a very special young man! I hope I can be as successful with my 3.

  10. Happy Birthday to your precious baby and many, many happy returns. I did Model U.N., studied/live in Costa Rica, and lived and worked in Barcelona. I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. I loved school and it looks like so does David. Good for him!

    Make sure you give him a super duper slobbery birthday kiss for me. On the cheek of course. :-)

  11. David is a busy guy! I am still wearing my Calvin Klein coat I purchased 11 years ago. Happy Birthday, David, and love from The Prairie. xoxo.

  12. My friend is a teacher who does the people to people in Michigan. She loves it. I would like to do that in the future.
    Happy birthday to your lovely son. He has such a calmness and peaceful look to him. He takes after you I suspect. Wow, the experiences he is getting. Amazing.. It is okay to spoil a little bit.....we all need it.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving.

  13. saw this blog and thought of you with the heart shaped glass
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Shannon Coleman (an old time Bainbridge-ite that misses the fall colors!)

  14. What a special young man! Very gifted and talented! What life experiences he is getting to enjoy at such a young age! Very fun for him! You should be very I'm sure you are!! Hope he had a great birthday!!

  15. HAPPY BELATED TO DAVID!!! So sorry I missed it.
    How exciting about the U.N. study! These experiences are going to be life changing for him. You have to be sooooo proud.


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