
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tennis Team Banquet

We attended David's tennis team banquet last night. It was held in the lovely home of one of the team members. Dinner was provided by the hosts, and the rest of us brought desserts. Those high school boys can eat!

Coach stood up and spoke briefly and beautifully about each young man on the team. Each one received individual recognition, as coach discussed their strengths and their growth during the course of the season. He gave each young man his certificate of participation, and we clapped for them. The varsity players received their letters. This is David's first year on the varsity squad, and his first year as a singles player. It's pretty cool to hold that wool/felt "NK" (North Kitsap Vikings) emblem, and the accompanying bar and crossed tennis racquets. Does anyone still wear a letterman's jacket?
Coach gave out award plaques for the most improved player, one for leadership qualities, and then he came to the Viking Tennis Award. He described the qualities that the recipient of this award embodies, which are athleticism, courtesy and academic achievement ("For Outstanding Classroom & Court Performance"). He told us that this plaque remains in the trophy case on campus, and the name inscribed on it this year is David Gerstenberger.
We are very proud of our gentleman athlete-scholar.


  1. Congrats to David, his team,. Well deserved. I am sure you and your husband were beaming!

  2. You're raising a wonderful young man! Congrats to all of you!

  3. This is so wonderful. What a great achievement for him. What a great young man you have raised!!

  4. Congrats David! What a great thing to be rewarded for...awesome sportsmanship!!

  5. I'm tellling you - that boy is probably making girls' hearts weep! A gentleman and a scholar - and with enough gumption to do exactly what he likes and not attend homecoming if he so wishes. Congratulations to him and to you both for raising a lovely man.


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