
Friday, October 17, 2008

A Full Week

We have had a busy week here. Maribeth arrived on Monday to stay until Friday (yesterday), and she had many appointments and activities scheduled. We love being her "home base" when she needs one, and it was fun to get up in the morning and chat over coffee in our cozy jammies or workout clothes. How often do we get to do that with girlfriends nowadays? We were able to enjoy some lunches and dinners together, and that is a gift, especially when a friend has moved that far away...I am thankful for these visits!

The goofy thing is that I didn't take ONE photo with her all week...not one. How silly. Well, you all know what she looks like from this post.

David has had tennis practice, or a match, every weekday, since before school started. He has a busy life, with three advanced placement (AP) classes (History, English and Biology) and his place on the tennis team (#3 singles/varsity).

David has made a lot of progress in his game this year. He ended up qualifying for the league championship tournament, which was held in Port Angeles (an hour and a half from here) yesterday and today. They were on the bus in order to leave our school at 6:45 yesterday morning.

It was a FULL day: David played a match against another #3 singles player (his level) and won, a second match against a #1 singles player (and lost), and then played a third match against a #2 singles player--his own teammate, Rex! They played a great match, but David lost to Rex...and all of this took place before 2:00 p.m. David didn't have much time to rest between the three matches. He was disappointed to be eliminated, but was ready to head home.

I think he will welcome the extra hours for studying, though he will miss playing tennis with the great group of guys on the team 5 days a week. The coaches are kind, and have high standards for sportsmanship; they boys have a wonderful cameraderie. I am so proud of how much David has accomplished this year, how hard he has worked, and the progress that he has made in his game. He is a gentleman on the court (and off). In addition, he had fun!

This is also Homecoming weekend; the football game was last night, and the PSAT (practice SAT) test was this morning, starting at 8:00 a.m. David was exhausted! The Homecoming dance is tonight.

Hello, Planning Department? May I have a word with you, please?

Here is the interesting part: I won't go into detail, as this is really David's story, but he does not like school dances. At all. He is a junior this year (nearly 16), but he did not ask anyone to the Homecoming dance, simply because he did not want to go; he doesn't like the music, says it's too loud to really enjoy any conversation and hard to dance to (it's rap and hip-hop). He is at a dinner party right now, with a bunch of his friends (most of whom are going to the dance), but he is coming home afterward (his choice). Yet he is looking forward to going to the symphony 3 times this year. Talk about moving to the beat of your own drummer!

I respect his independence, but maybe he is missing out on something... important? I don't know that I would consider Homecoming as really important. I didn't go to all of those events at his age, and I didn't mind. I was busy with other activities. Gregg didn't like school dances, either. Hm. I don't know what to make of it. I love to dance, but I wouldn't like dancing to that music, myself. In the end, it's really up to David. And if he changes his mind, there is always next year.

Isn't it fascinating, that something so far off in my own past, needs to be reviewed now that I am a parent? That is one of the interesting things about having children. You do all kinds of things that you wouldn't do if you didn't have kids, and you think things through differently. They expand your world.


  1. Amen about everythin on your post.

    I find that some of my funist times were never caught on film because I was to busy having fun. I'm sure that was the case with you and Maribeth.

    Mandi took the PSAT this am too, but homecomming was last week. She really wanted to be asked, but in the long run decided to just go with a bunch of girl frieds.

    Having kids really does make you re-evaluate many things. I never felt like I was missing much by not being very involved with school, but I've encouraged Mandi to be active with different things, she's enjoyed them, and it's left me wondering what I've missed out on. It has also taught me to put myself out there a little more.

    I ment to tell you weeks ago, but never got around to it... I love the updated title photo. It's really sweet.


  2. Hi! I've been following your blog for awhile now, but I don't think I've ever commented. I'm very sorry for the loss of your daughter Katie. I follow the stories of a lot of kids with cancer because one of my best friends died from it when I was 13. Anyway, just wanted to comment and say that I'm 17 (a senior in highs school) and I don't think David is missing out on anything important by not going to homecoming!! I went one year, and it totally wasn't worth it for me-- I also hate loud music...I'd much rather hang out with a few friends or see a weird french movie. Good for him for choosing what he wants to do!

    Best wishes,

  3. David is such a great kid. You are right about him having his own beat and all.....
    The tennis sounds exhuasting. He is a busy bee though...glad you had a nice visit with your girlfriend. I bet it was nice to relax and enjoy each other.

  4. I am so glad that you had fun with Maribeth. Having a true friend that you can talk to, have fun with, and be yourself is so important. Sounds like you have that and more. It is great that you had the opportunity to unwind with a friend. What heaven!

    Your son is a special person like his mom. He is gifted and does not need to be in the limelight to shine...he does so with out all the extras. It sounds like he is walking on a well-lighted sidewalk.

    Keep on shining have a way of making even the darkest moments shine.

    P.S. I did revive myself. Thanks for the reading suggestions.

  5. What a full week and weekend. David must be an old soul. Good for him for sticking to what he feels is right within himself. What an admirable trait to possess at only 16 years old.

    Your girl time with Maribeth sounded like so much fun. I'm sure you both miss each other so much and it's got to be hard to not see each other like you used to. I hope you're able to make new memories and traditions during these visits.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!