
Monday, October 13, 2008

David's Day Off

Today, David did not have school, so he requested that we get up early and go to visit the Hutch School and Children's Hospital. That's not every 15-year old guy's idea of a day off from school, but David is not your average 15-year old guy.
We took the 7:55 a.m. boat from Bainbridge to Seattle, and got to the Hutch School just before it started. I've written about the Hutch before, but just to remind you: it's the school that is provided by the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and Seattle Public Schools for patients, siblings and children of patients who are in treatment at SCCA. David was a student there (after Katie's diagnosis) for his 9th grade year, and Katie finished 6th grade there with David, after she recovered from her surgery. Today, we got to hug the staff and take photos, before we donated sweaters, hats and blankets that had been knit or crocheted by Gregg's Aunt Nadine. It was great to see all of the lovely women who helped David and Katie through that school year. Then we were off to Ronald McDonald House.

We took a HUGE bag of sweaters and hats of all sizes and colors to the House. It's so much fun to be able to donate these, as the temperatures are now dropping into the 40s at night, and I know that some families arrive in Seattle unprepared for this. I love knowing that families who need them are going to have hand-made, warm, cozy items for free. Thank you, Auntie Nadine!

Then it was time to go to the hospital with 10 quilts for the Hem-Onc ward. We borrowed a wagon at the "Whale" entrance (see the turtle on the floor and starfish handrails), cleaned our hands at the station by the door, and checked in with the greeter.
We walked down the hall and saw Katie's endowment's plaque on the wall. Then we met Ashley from Childlife in the hospital's playroom on the 2nd floor, and had a nice chat with her and with one of the art therapists.
Then we made our "rounds." We got to see Dr. Deeter, one of our favorite doctors, in the ICU, and Kim, one of our dear nurses there. I didn't get a photo of Kim, darn it.

We also got to see Dr. Brogan, whose friendship is one of the greatest gifts that our family received during Katie's treatment. I didn't get a photo of him, either. David was getting tired of my urges to photograph.

Some of the staff were too busy to see us, and we understand that (we actually expect it), but it was great to stop by and let them all know that we are thinking of them with love and gratitude. And I'll be going back in about a month to deliver more quilts.


  1. No, you don't have an ordinary 15 year old boy there. But why should you? You hav raised extraordinary children!
    The school is so fantastic. I had no idea there were such places for families who were fighting cancer. How wonderful.
    I bet all the sweaters, hats and quilts were well recieved. How thoughtful of all of you.
    That looks like a good day well spent.

  2. Suz took the words out of my mouth. That is not your typical 15 year old boy at all! I can't wait to meet David.

    Did he just grow about 5 inches in the last month? All of the sudden he seems quite a bit taller in these pics.

    Thank you for your sweet comments too. I'm doing MUCH better today. As I type the sun is shining down in my face through the window!

  3. I love the photos! It is so neat that David wants to go with you to Seattle. Mandi doesn't mind visiting the hutch or RMH, but wigs out over the idea of having to go to children's. I'm glad you were able to have a good visit. The quilts look so warm and comforting.


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