
Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Quote from Paul Newman

Paul Newman and his wife, Joanne Woodward, had one of the movie industry's rare long-lasting marriages. When asked if he was tempted to stray, Newman told Playboy magazine, "I have steak at home; why go out for hamburger?"

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. God bless you, Paul Newman, and your family. I hope your son was waiting for you with open arms.


  1. Ah, that's a lovely thought..... to be reunited with his son who he hasn't seen since the late 70's.

    What a beautiful reunion that will be!

    I look so forward to going Home one day.... seeing all my friends and relatives who went on before me.... and to never be separated again. It will really be wonderful.

  2. PS: And YES, I loved his "steak/hamburger" quote too - what a man! :-)

  3. What a beautiful quote. Love Him.....

  4. Oh, Karen, how perfect of you to remember Paul Newman. My mom LOVED him and was so sad when she heard he never gave autographs. (She died in 1984.) When hearing about his passing, my sisters and I had the same thoughts - my mom welcoming him to heaven with "Well, I finally get to meet you!"

    Hugs from Alaska, L

  5. Wow, I so love him ditto! Especially his salad dressing which goes to many organizations. HOpe everything is going well. Cool pics.


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