
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Oral Surgery, Part 2

I was feeling really good after my oral surgery, until about 3 days ago, when my jaw started to hurt again. I started taking ibuprofen once a day, but yesterday I needed 2 doses. When I put moisturizer on my face, it hurt to smooth it over my cheek. This morning, when I got ready to exercise, I began to feel ill, & had to lie down. Time to go back to the surgeon...and the verdict is that I have an infection; not too surprising. I'm now on a stronger antibiotic than the one they gave me for the surgery, for six days. I hope this drug wipes it out. I have had enough medical complexities to last a lifetime, and I'd like a bit of simplicity now, please.

This is a hard week, emotionally, for me. I remember exactly what was going on a year ago, and it was sad and difficult. I am feeling sad and difficult, myself.

Good thing that we are getting together with the Cunningham clan this weekend. That is something to look forward to, and to celebrate. A big, loving family gathering.


  1. You are in my prayers this week! As well as for the following weeks!

    I hope your mouth begins to heal quickly! I've had oral surgery...I'll have children 10 times over rather than having work done to my mouth! ;) Hang in there! I hope the meds work this time!

  2. I am so sorry you are having "mouth" problems again. Such a pain.
    I KNOW this week is a painful one for you. Gut wrenching. I am in awe of your strength.....
    be strong. Hold your hubby and your big boy. God bless you.
    Thank you for the shopping advice. It came too late, and It would have worked too...but I may have had to add some $$$ to the bottom line. Thanks, Suz
    She actually tired out around the same time as me....thank goodness.

  3. I'm so sorry you're having to do with mouth pain... that is easily the worst kind of physical pain, in my humble opinion.

    I hope these new antibiotics wipe out the infection quickly for you, Karen.

    Blessings and peace to you.

  4. Oh no, you must feel lousy! I'm sorry to hear about this but sounds like the stronger meds will help to heal you. Just a major inconvenience and uncomfortable situation all around.

    Feel better soon and get lots of rest.

  5. I hope you feel better. I can't even believe the similarities to us involve oral surgery! I've had similar infections prior to and following a root canal - the kind where even when I touched my cheek, I would discover it swollen and painful. No question, there's some intermingled DNA between us somewhere. Probably twins separated at birth. Feel better!!!!!! Thinking of you this week and always, Susie


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