
Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Miss Katie...

I miss Katie.
I miss Maribeth.
Bad attitude.
I think I need to write some "Thank you" notes and work on some quilts. That usually helps.
Count my blessings.


  1. It's ok. You need to feel these things, too. Write them out, even if you can't here, and then turn them loose. Be careful not to cover those things up with busy-ness.


    Breathe lots.

  2. I think you have the most positive attitude and are the most honest. I'm glad that you are trying to keep busy when you feel down. It helps me to do that to when I'm down.

    P.S. Hope smiles come your way.

    Sis b had excellent advice.

  3. Karen,

    Maybe it is because we've just passed the 3 month mark, but I can't seem to gather the right words to express my feelings of loss and emptiness. I read your entries and think, "yeah. that's how I feel, too." So thank you for writing out your feelings because they are helping me connect to mine, too.

  4. You are the most wonderful person I have ever encountered --via internet or in-person. I am able to feel emotions that I need to feel by reading your blog. I am able to be the mother I need to be by reading your blog. I am able to help feel your pain and joy by reading your blog. I would give my arm, leg, foot, etc for "your" Katie to be back on earth to share your life with you. Questions unanswered!! Life unfair!! But as we all know "to risk love is to risk loss". I never knew or had the pleasure of my eyes ever seeing Katie but through your eyes and as the way you have so wonderfully expressed in your blog. But thankfully through your efforts I have been blessed with her beauty. I love her and I miss her, even though I never knew her personally. You are such a very special mother. I lost my first baby at birth 30 years ago and even though 7 children later I still mourn my precious firstborn daughter. Thank you for leading me to the path of emotions that I have needed to experience for a long time.

  5. I said a little prayer for you right now!!! You are so brave!

  6. Look at the people whose lives you touch by being so upfront with your pain. I have spent some time here tonight catching up and going back to your earlier posts. You amaze me every time I visit ... amd for me, Katie lives in these pages, reaches out, and touches me in my own sadness. I always feel better after I have been here. Love to you, precious friend.

  7. It is okay to be in the pain too sweetheart.

    I am so very sorry.

  8. Not a bad attitude at all! Like Dreamer Girl said you do have one of the most positive outlooks and you are being honest and that is what you need to do. You are feeling, grieving and believing everyday. Saying prayers for you...


  9. I'm so sorry you're hurting!

    Off topic a little bit.. do you have a pattern you use for your quilts or did you make it up as you went along? I might be interested in making a few for the hospital our son was treated at. His quilt was such a sweet gift in the middle of a lot of craziness and pain.

  10. Not a bad attitude. Just what any other extraordinary human being would feel. Praying right now.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!