
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thank you for helping to make it a Happy Birthday

Thank you, Smileygirl, and all of you kind bloggers who stopped by to wish me a happy day. You just made it a GREAT day! Thanks to my family and friends who aren't bloggers, too, for the calls, cards, songs and emails. I love you!

I'm 49! I'm still in my 40s! I love to tease Gregg about this, as he is 4 years older than I am (and always will be). It doesn't really matter, but it's fun to kid him.

We did lose power (electricity) for about 3 hours this a.m., and for about an hour yesterday. It didn't occur to me that that could be Katie's doing, Laura, but you never know...All kinds of things broke after she passed away, and I've heard countless stories of similar happenings. I think she'd be more likely to be behind the sale on Dungeness Crab that I saw at the grocery store, though, or the cute clothes and jewelry that I received as gifts.

I met my mom for lunch today at one of our favorite places, and we ate birthday-party kinds of things (yam fries, calamari, salad) and enjoyed every bite. We were going to split the divine chocolate brownie with homemade ice cream and homemade fudge sauce, but we were too full from lunch. We also shared a glass of wine (mid-day!), and then I went to the grocery store and the library.

Since David is still at camp (and by the way, this camp is so cool; they have a website where they post photos each day, so you can find your kid, and see him in action), Gregg and I will have a quiet dinner together, and then he is taking tomorrow off to spend it with me. That is the big gift that I usually ask for (that, a birthday card and a dinner out). I am sort of easy in that way.
**I suppose I should add that he upgraded the center stone in my wedding ring last year, which was a lovely gift, and he is counting that as my 48th, 49th and 50th birthday gifts.** You think I am kidding? I assure you, I am not. He even reminded me of it this year. What a character!

It is difficult to face this day in a "celebrating" mood, since Katie is not here to share it, and she never will be here to wish me "Happy Birthday" again, but I am grateful that I had her with me for 12 years; I'm grateful that I have David and Gregg in my life, as well as the rest of my family and friends. Thank you again for stopping by! I hope it's a happy day in your life, too.


  1. Sweet Lady of the North,

    Happy Birthday and may you have one thousand more! (A Middle Eastern saying...)

    I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment or post in a while. Things are way overwhelming right now, and if I have time to blog, then I use it to catch up on sleep or, um, take a shower. Ha!

    But, I'm always thinking of you and your family. Sounds like you had a great day so far. May it only get better...

  2. Happy Birthday Karen! :)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Atlanta! Hope your day was wonderful! :-)

    Here's to a wonderful year ahead!

  4. I know birthdays can be bittersweet. We lost our son and his birthday is two days before mine. So yeah.. I hear ya.

    I do hope you have a happy birthday, though! : )

  5. Happy Birthday, Karen! I came across your blog a few weeks ago while visiting the Pretty in the City blog. Your courage and optimism are truly inspirational. I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful day. God bless.

    Wilmington, DE

  6. Dear Karen,
    Birthday greetings from hot smoky Sacramento. Your day sounded lovely and just the way we love to spend our birthdays. We'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the best in this new year. Maybe you can fit in some dessert with Greg tomarrow! Cheers!

  7. I didn't know it was your birthday. I'm glad that Gregg remembered...even if it was to remind you that you already received your gift. :)

  8. I totally missed it! Happy belated birthday! Thank you so much for the reply regarding the website and the Tear Soup book...I passed it along to my sister :)

  9. Karen,

    Thank you so much for the welcome! And Happy Birthday!! (a day late)

    I've read your blog before, your family is an inspiration, and you are truely a courageous person with a beautiful soul.

    Best wishes to you on your birthday.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! I have been neglecting my blog reading for the last couple of weeks and am catching up today. I hope you had a wonderful day!

  11. Hi,
    Happy birthday! I did email you to get the pattern but I'm not sure I did it right. Feel free to email me. Enjoy your birthday and have lots of fun.

  12. Happy Birthday a Day Late, Precious Girlfriend! You sound cheery and that makes me happy. All the best to you in your last year until the big 5ohhhhhhhh. May you always be evolving : ) xoxo!

  13. Happy birthday Karen! I'm late in wishing this to you, but I had to make 48 farm cupcakes for a beautiful little girl with curls! I'm still exhausted... Cheers to you my friend. xx

  14. happy, happy belated birthday karen! you are such a dear and lovely person. i wish you many blessings and happiness in this the cusp of your next fifty years!

  15. happy belated birthday, from one June B-day girl to another! :)

  16. Hi Karen,

    I'm a counselor at Camp Goodtimes—I wanted to let you know how amazing the video you made with Mooselips was, and when I got home I found her CaringBridge site and came across your blog.

    What amazing writing and I love getting to know Katie through your stories—while she wasn't my camper last year, I totally remember her feisty smile she'd willingly share with anyone who came across her path.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts as a parent in the video—I thought about it a lot over the past week, as my campers were 13 and 14 year olds (some of whom shared a cabin with Katie last year). Be assured that Katie (and David!) will not be forgotten in the Goodtimes community.


    Anna Davies


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!