
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Last Day of 10th Grade

I have to go on record here and say that today is David's last day of 10th grade. He has grown so much this year. This is a guy who started the school year as a pedestrian, in deep grief for his sister and with braces on his teeth.

He now has his driver's permit, no braces, and a lot of his joie de vivre back again. He did well in school this year, played on the tennis team, went to his first "Winter Ball" with his oldest female friend from school (they met in the first grade --he will not allow me to post the photos, but they were terrific), took up golf with more intention, learned additional problem-solving skills and grew in independence. This is what he looks like today:

He is going directly from school to a party today.
Tomorrow, we are going to Children's Hospital to deliver more quilts. He wants to go; he always wants to go and see his friends who are on staff there. Then we will come home so that we can each have a haircut, and he will start packing for camp. (He is going to tennis camp in California; lucky dog!)
We are so blessed that this wonderful young man is our son.


  1. David, I think you are a rock star...we had a great time building a fire on the beach this weekend. Look forward to a few more this summer! Love, Angela

  2. So much fun stuff planned for the summer. And what a great way to start it off with delivering quilts. You guys are so cute. Sorry if I made you blush, David! Have a fabulous time at camp in Cali.


  3. I can't get over how grown up David looks in that last photo. I hope he has a woderful time at camp.


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