
Thursday, May 22, 2008

17 Years

Our 17th wedding anniversary is coming up on Sunday. I'm not going to cover this whole subject here, but while working on making a card for Gregg, I went through our wedding photo album.

It's hard to do a good job of photographing a photo, because the angles get distorted, but that's the best I can do at the moment. I am posting a few of them here, because I can't resist.
(Paul Dudley took these, back in 1991.)

Considering that Gregg's parents have been married for 60+ years, and mine have been married for 55+ years, 17 doesn't sound like a very long time. But we have been through a great deal as a team in that time, both better than we dreamed and worse than we imagined, and to be in love with each other, happy to be together, enjoying each other's company and best friends, is something for which to be profoundly grateful. I am more thankful for Gregg's presence in my life, and for his love, than I can say.

And it still feels like this. I love you, Honey!


  1. You guys sparkle in your wedding photo. Happy Anniversary my sweet friend and many, many, many, more...


  2. Hubba Hubba on that kiss! *fans self*

    You are just both shining with joy at having found one another. I am happy for both of you...such good people. I hope you have a great time for your anniversary and I hope you get many more years discovering and rediscovering what you mean to one another.

  3. This seems to be the month for anniversaries! Happy, happy day to you and Gregg. Laura is right, you both sparkle and my favorite photo is the last one. Wow. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. May God continue to bless your marriage.

  4. Happy Anniversary ... you both look fabulous, dahlink, yesterday and today. Have a great weekend. I am enjoying your blog tremendously. In the midst of remodeling our house, I am looking for a poem someone gave me when my sister passed away that I will send your way as soon as I can lay my hands on it ! August ? It's called "When Tomorrow Starts without Me. Have you heard of it ? xo, ljk

  5. Thank you, sweet blogger friends. We are going to celebrate, so I will post more later. I hope you all have a great holiday weekend. God bless you!

    ljk, I haven't heard of that poem, and would love to see it when you find it. Thank you for thinking of me.
    Sheri, you know I will be thinking of you, especially on Monday, with love.

  6. Happy early Anniversary! Hope it's wonderful!

  7. Happy Anniversary Karen and Gregg! Cheers to you on the last 17 years, and cheers to many many more. Enjoy each other! :)

  8. Those photos are wonderful! You both just look so happy and in love.

  9. Good Morning, Karen. I found the poem. Send me your email address and I will get it to you. Mine is xo

  10. I have been stuck in bed for the past two days with the flu...I sound ridiculously pathetic and I haven't smiled much in the past two days, but then I checked out your website a few minutes ago and I broke into a huge grin coupled with a warm heart. Not to mention I'm now a hideously unattractive shade of green...with envy, of course. :-)
    Congrats to you both! I truly am very happy for you and I hope you enjoyed your wonderful day. In fact, I hope you have an infinite string of wonderful days ahead. You were a beautiful bride and the years have enhanced that beauty. Thanks for the smile.
    So how are you coming on your project to find me a man to take to the sea????? :-)
    Blessings from the right coast and tons of my very best wishes.



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