
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Can't Help It...

Isn't he handsome? Sorry if this embarrasses you, Honey. I can't help it!


  1. Great pic! Did he stop traffic? Looks like he's standing smack dab in the middle of the busy street!

  2. I must have cropped out the sidewalk; he's not actually IN the street! He was in Japan at the time this was taken. He will be mortified by it, but I think it's such a nice photo...

  3. That is too cute. :)

    Mandi got after me in my post about our visit and she gets after me when we just talk about your family because I always want to call Gregg Doug.

    I don't know why. I am very sorry that I messed up on his name when I blogged and corrected it as soon as she pointed it out. I hope you can both accept my appology.

    Love Karla

  4. Handsome indeed! Extremely so!

  5. Oh my word. Yummy-licious indeed.

    You know, I love how Ed looks in his suit. Sometimes, right when he walks out the door I make him turn around and I quickly get a picture. I don't know why I've never posted those pics. Maybe now I will! Tell Gregg that he'll have company in his Handsome Members Only Gentleman's Club. :-)

  6. KBL 2 ORD 2 SAN: I know, men seem to dislike wearing suits, but they look soooo good in them. Maybe it's like high heels, for us: painful, but looks good.
    Please do post pics of Belove-Ed in a suit, unless he wouldn't like it. By the way, I think Gregg hasn't seen this yet. If it disappears, he didn't like it. (He doesn't like the spotlight.)

  7. Is it ok if I add your blog to my list?

  8. Smileygirl: Yes, you are welcome to add it...I didn't know I should have asked first. Is that a faux pas in Blogistan?

  9. Yup, he's a cutie, alright! And how cool is that, that he still looks so good to you! Especially after all you've been through this last couple of years -- stuff that often tears a marriage apart.

    Yup, he's cute. But you're even cuter!

  10. Omigosh not a faux pas at all! I just wanted to make sure. =)

  11. He is very handsome, and he also has a beautifully, stunning, brilliant wife. How nice it worked out that way! I'm jealous, but only in a good way.

    Love and all kinds of blessings!



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