
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chicken Breasts

I don't know how to explain it, but my brain is working in some strange ways these days.
On Monday, we had a visit from the Willetts, a family we met at Ronald McDonald House last year. Mandi attended the Hutch School with David; her little sister, Samantha, was the patient, (and is now in remission from leukemia). Their mom, Karla, is a nurse. Sammi has a Caringbridge page ( and Karla has a blog (A Little Something to Share, to which you can find a link on the right side of this page). She drove them down to see us, as it is Mandi's spring break this week (Karla's husband, Mike, wasn't with them). I am going to post a few of Karla's photos, since she took all of the pictures.
We spent time on our beach and in our woods. They all enjoyed the rope swing. We showed them around Poulsbo, visited Katie's bench and the local bakery, shops and candy store. Then we came back to have dinner with Gregg, who was home from work by then.

Karla and I got into a discussion about the need for research into new methods of treating cancer. We both know of cases of patients dying from the side effects of treatment, as well as from the disease itself. We were talking about possible causes of cancer, too, and wondering about vaccinations, our food chain, pesticides, hormones fed to the animals that we eat, etc. I mentioned the hormones in milk, and how the milk cows are constantly lactating. Karla brought up hormones in chickens. I asked, "Don't they lay an egg every day, anyway?" She said, "I mean the size of their breasts." Now, we had just been discussing cows and milk, so I am thinking: udders. I asked, "Chickens have breasts?" Everyone at the table stopped and stared at me. Everything seemed to stand still for a moment; they were looking at me as if I had completely lost my mind. Then the "aha" moment arrived. Oh. Chicken breasts. Like thighs and drumsticks. Mandi and David turned pink, and laughed. Gregg and Karla laughed harder, and I think I laughed the hardest of all.

Menopause? Middle age? Chemo-brain by osmosis (from caring for a patient living with chemo)? Stress? Trauma? I don't know, but I am glad that I can laugh about it. Please feel free to have a laugh at my expense.


  1. Hey!
    I just wanted to say "Thank you" for the wonderful time in Poulsbo. When I look at your blogs I always stop at the pictures of Katies Bench and admire them, I appriciate that you brought my mom, Sammie, and I there. Have a great spring and, hope to see you soon.

    Also, you did laugh the hardest

    -Mandi ;)

  2. We had a wonderful time. It was just so nice to visit with you all. Thank you for opening your home and your hearts.

  3. Karen,
    Thank you for your comments on my blog. It is nice to know people read it. I love getting comments. I read your blog all the time. I should comment more myself

    I can promise you that my mom is up there taking good care of Katie until you can join her. She was the type of mom that just treated every kid like her own kid.

    You are correct I don't think we ever did meet. Which is strange since we where there just about every weekend. I did however get several chances to spend time with your son, David. Just to let you know you are doing a wonderful job raising him. He was always very nice, polite and respectful.

    My husband, Dave, grew up in Paulsbo. He graduated from North Kitsap HS. We will be coming this summer to spend a weekend there for his 20 year reunion. When I read about Katie's bench I told him I wanted to go find it. Maybe we could meet for coffee and you can show us where it is. Or if it is easier you can give me directions. My email is Whatever is easier for you.

    Take care,


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