
Friday, March 28, 2008

We Did It!

Today, David and I took 38 finished quilts, "made with tender loving care by Katie's Quilters" to Children's Hospital's Hematology-Oncology Childlife Department. Julie is going to distribute them to the children.

We had a wonderful visit with Julie, Tanya, Tim, several of our doctors and nurses over the course of the day. Thanks to everyone at Children's for being open to this project, and for always making us feel so welcome and loved. Thanks to Maribeth, Taylor, Rita and my mom for helping to make this dream come true by sewing, designing and paying for materials! It's been such great therapy for me, and I am going to keep it up. Getting the first batch over to Hem-Onc today with David's help made it a great day.


  1. Good morning, Karen. The picture is awesome, and those quilts look BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I think it's so great what you're doing, and I know you're making Katie the proudest Angel in heaven!!

    I need to catch up on your blog ... I wish there were a way to subscribe.

    m/o ^Jessica^; forever 17
    TEAM UNITE! Help Conquer Childhood Cancer!

  2. The quilts look great! I'm glad that you had a good day. I can't get over how grown up David is looking. :)

  3. What a great metaphor Karen. Thank you for your perspective and capacity to share so eloquently your thoughts and feelings. I am appreciative to be a part of your family. As I help raise ours you know your example has helped to shape and guide me. Joe

  4. karen
    those quilts will be so treasured by those kids. i so admire your ability to find this therapy that will bless others.
    praying for that direction in my life as well - it seems to make so much sense that what comforts us overflows into comfort for others.
    have a peaceful day, resting in our Lord's goodness.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!