
Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Quilting Day

Yesterday, Maribeth, Taylor and Rita came over to our house. We had two sewing machines working, one at each end of our dining table, and we pressed fabric, pinned and sewed quilts, listened to music and talked. We finished about 10 quilts, and pinned a bunch more. It's so much fun, and rewarding, to work on this project. It feels good to be creating comfort for sick children. I am looking forward to delivering the quilts to the hospital, and allowing each child to select one that appeals to him or her. Here is a look at the growing stack of finished quilts on Katie's window seat.

Today, I had the pleasure of a visit from Amy, one of my favorite ICU nurses. We visited Katie's bench, and took a long walk through Poulsbo, along the waterfront, around Lemolo Point and back to town. Amy had not been able to attend Katie's memorial service, so we watched Katie's slideshow, and stopped by Kiana Lodge, which is down the street from our house (where her service was held). We got permission to walk the grounds, so I could show Amy the gardens, the beach and the path along the waterfront to the dock. I showed her where the fireworks were set off. Katie wanted a party, not a funeral...and she got one. We had hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine, coffee, punch and four cakes. There were flowers in bloom all over the grounds, flowers in the lodge, children playing outside after the service, and it was all lovely. Katie had wanted to have her wedding reception there, and we did the best we could to give her a service that would honor her wishes. It was good to be able to give Amy a sense of what it was like.

I enjoyed sharing memories of Katie, and of our time in the ICU, with Amy; memories of Katie's spunk, sparkle and strong healing spirit. It may be like a war experience, being in the ICU. The relationships revolve around the survival of someone dear to us, and the nurses are truly angels, helping us to cope with many distressing things that are foreign, or new to us. Amy helped me to learn how to help her care for Katie, so I felt less powerless and restless. Amy encouraged Katie and gave her love, whether Katie appeared to be conscious or not. Amy held hope for her healing, and supported our hope. She comforted all of us. Thank you, Amy, and all of our nurses!


  1. The quilts look wonderful. I find sewing to be very rewarding and a form of meditation. I'm glad your enjoying it too. I'm sure the kids who get these quilts will be warmed and comforted by them.

  2. I am so proud of you for doing something so precious for others and meaningful. You have such a big heart. I love the pics of your daughter-so beautiful. Thanks for your nice comments. Have a nice St. Patrick's Day.

  3. The "pile" of quilts looks amazing! When will you be delivering them? Love, Angela

  4. This is another post on your blog that makes me teary as I remember our son's time at Children's after his brain surgery. The hospital guild gave each child in intensive care a handsown quilt for the duration of their stay. Our son's quilt was such a thing of beauty and comfort in an impersonal, institutional environment. They told us they were discontinuing the practice because the quilts were too hard to launder! We were so sad because we could see how small touches of beauty nourish and heal the soul.

    So bless you again. What a stack of love in these wonderful quilts!

  5. These are beautiful! On my list of things to do during Soldier Boy's upcoming deployment is to learn to quilt. I may have to contact you for advice. :)

    I'm so glad you stopped by my blog again, I thought I'd lost you! I thought of you the other day when I took Sprout to the ER. My thoughts are too long to post here, but I will either blog them (is it ok to link you?) or email you with them.

    Katie's party sounds wonderful. My friend Julie passed last year unexpectedly, and we didn't throw the party she wanted. I hope to do that sometime this year to honor her wishes as well. You've inspired me to press forward with that idea.

  6. Oh wow! Let me ask you, have you ever made a quilt out of clothes? I read somewhere or saw somewhere that someone made a quilt out of clothes. So I'm having my sister save all of our favorite Nora outfits and then one day we will cut them up and make a quilt out of them. It might be hard because of the different fabrics, but it could be really cute and great keepsake.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!