
Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day.

We spent part of the day getting an MRI of Gregg's back. It now looks like it's not a nerve problem; it looks like a disc problem. We don't know a lot yet, but we will hear more soon, and he is more comfortable now. He slept well last night, for the first night since this back pain started. I am very thankful for that. That made Valentine's Day happier here! (This photo is of my valentine and me, at Christmas time.)

David is doing well now, trying to catch up on all of the school work that he missed when he was sick. He has just started Traffic Safety Education, and is very happy about that.
He is going to visit his cousin, Phil, who is a senior at the University of Santa Barbara, this weekend. It should be a fun trip.

That's Phil, next to David in the photo. Also me, Gregg, Jim, Cali, Caroline and Deb.

May you feel blessed and loved.

1 comment:

  1. you two look so cute...i hope you frame that picture...


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