
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Can a Kid Be Sick Until He's Well?

What do you think it means when a doctor asks you if you have had your flu shot, and the discussion includes the following: If you miss a week of high school, you'll never catch up?

I understand the concern, kindness and the practicality behind the statement; what I don't understand is how we can nurture our children in a society that will not allow people the time to be sick and the time to let their bodies recover naturally. What is the reasoning behind this sort of pressure? What is the message we are sending to our kids? What sort of example of self-care, or of the value of our health, are we giving them?

Since our family just spent the months from October, 2006 through August, 2007 trying to help Katie get into remission from cancer, as well as helping her to survive the effects of the treatment, surgery and recovery, and then to adjust to the process of maintenance treatment, my mind is spinning as I try to digest the message that our children's health isn't as important as KEEPING UP WITH THE SCHEDULE. Maybe the schedule is unrealistic?

David's fever is finally down. He has done nothing but rest in bed or on the couch, yet is still exhausted, blowing and coughing, so he is nowhere near "well" yet. I refuse to pressure him to "hurry up," --as if that's possible! The body needs what it needs.

On a lighter note, I have been pinning quilt fabric this weekend, in anticipation of a sewing day. There are eight quilts on our dining table now, ready to go. In spite of the fact that I am a "beginner" seamstress, I am so happy and excited about these quilts! Katie would have loved them; they are based upon the design of hers, but a bit smaller. It's such fun to choose 2 fabrics to coordinate in color and design, and imagine the pleasure that they will bring to a child. The thickness of the batting, softness of the flannel on one side and the cotton on the other, and the silkiness of the satin binding are wonderful. I love thinking that they will be donated to the hospital to spread comfort and love to kids who have to be away from home for treatment.

Gregg and his parents are all home safely, I am grateful to say. It sounds as if they had a beautiful celebration and an uneventful drive back. Happy Honeymoon to Andrea and Mike!

1 comment:

  1. I glad to hear that David is on the mend and totally agree with the missing school thing.

    It irks me so much that here we have a planned 1 week of missed school and all of Mandi's teachers tell her they can't give her the assignments because they don't know what they'll be doing that week. Yet if a kid is sick and misses a week the response is "go talk to your classmats to find out what you missed." and if something is still misses it's unforgiven. Ugh!

    The quilts are beautiful! I love all the colors and I'm sure the kids will love them too.


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