
Monday, November 26, 2007


We are back at home, after spending Thanksgiving week in Palm Desert with my parents. David turned 15, Grandma turned 75 and we celebrated both of their birthdays, along with the holiday.

Since the weather was sunny and warm every day, David spent alot of his time golfing, playing tennis, swimming and cycling. Gregg and I walked around Palm Valley (about 4 miles) each morning. Gregg and Kappa golfed and played tennis with David. Kappa also cycled with David.

Grandma and I went to the spa together, shopping on El Paseo and to lunch. We each had a (much-needed) pedicure. When we got to the spa, I began to miss Katie very much. My massage therapist told me that when regular clients miss a year at the spa, they worry about us. I told her why we had missed last year, and she got tearful. Then she proceeded to tell me about her escape from the war in Bosnia...and it helped us both. I felt my connection to mankind, and the awareness that suffering is a universal part of human is kindness. Miracles happen, such as her family's escape; some hoped-for miracles don't happen, as with Katie's illness and death. This is part of life.

On the other hand, I could feel Katie's spirit with us, especially when I saw the many butterflies and multi-hued flowers everywhere. The blue sky, hot tub, stores, Pasta Night, even the tennis lesson, all brought memories of her that were comforting. I felt that she would want us to be in California, which she loved, and enjoy our annual vacation there. I felt, as I welcomed her spirit, that I could feel its sweet-and-spiciness, along with her blessing.

I spent alot of time reading Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's books, On Children and Death and Life Lessons. I highly recommend these. It was great to be able to read and hear her ideas, based upon her experiences as a doctor and psychologist.

There were many dinners out in great restaurants, and a visit with family friends. Gregg and I had "date night" at a great Italian restaurant called Mamma Gina's.

Since Thanksgiving day was Grandma's birthday, Gregg, Kappa and I did all of the cooking (except for the green bean casserole, which is Grandma's forte).

I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. There is much that we miss, and yet we have much for which we are thankful.


  1. I'm glad to hear that your vacation brought warm memories of Katie! Sounds like a nice time in the sun! Great slide show!

  2. I'm glad you had a safe trip and were able to enjoy your vacation. I can't believe how grown up David looks in the photos.


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