
Monday, October 15, 2007

The Wedding

In case you don't know, our niece Andrea, and her husband, Mike Cunningham, planned to get married in February, 2008, with Katie as a bridesmaid. Andrea knew that this was one of Katie's big dreams (since she was about six years old). When they got the news of Katie's condition in late July, they were trying to think of how to help. They decided that they couldn't take the chance that Katie might not be able to be in their wedding. Mike came up with the idea of getting married right away, wherever they could. They put the wedding together in about 10 days, while Katie was still able to walk. It took place at Andrea's parents' home, on the same street where we used to live. The sun shone, the wedding party was beautiful/handsome, the bride and groom glowed, the food and wine were delicious, and a whole bunch of dreams came true all at once. It was family-only, which still amounted to about 50+ people.

Mike asked David to be an usher, too, so the kids were in formal clothes, and looking very sharp. Katie was able to walk down the aisle with her cousin, Andrea's brother Joey. And yes, this really is the view from their house! The Olympic Mountains and Hood Canal are in the background.
There was a great party with dancing on the deck afterward, which David stayed to enjoy until the wee hours. Katie was tired, so we took her home to rest.

Mike & Andrea visited & cheered Katie a great deal during her illness. She loved them both, & always enjoyed seeing & relaxing with them. We will never be able to thank them enough for giving Katie the gift of one of her greatest dreams-come-true. Andrea & Mike: may you be blessed with a long, happy & fun marriage! We know that it will be full of love.
Photos by Paul Dudley Photography


  1. The bride and groom sound very sweet. Obviously Katie and David are very important to them. I don't think any other act could prove that more strongly.

    The scenery is gorgious!!! It's nice that the weather cooperated.

  2. Hi Karen... I checked out your blog like I promised you. It is fantastic -- a beautiful tribute to your whole family. It was so great to see both you and David. I think about you often.... I know visiting the hospital must be difficult, but when you're up for another visit we'd all love to see you again. I'm so thankful to have know your sweet Katie. I could tell she was a good egg from the very first time I met her on her very first night at the hospital. And David, my errand boy! He was such fun to have around. I think about Katie every time when I light the candle she gave me. Anyway, just wanted to say hello through your blog....
    Take care.
    Love, me


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