
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy Birthday, Katie!

Happy Birthday, Precious Girl! You would be turning 19 today, if you were still here in body.
I know that you are with us in spirit, and we will celebrate your arrival in our lives with joy today.
David came home last night and we have the joy of spending this day (and this week) together; that's a wonderful birthday present! We're going to have a birthday dinner in your honor in one of your favorite places.
Your birthday dinner in 2006
We all send our love, today, as every day. We're so thankful that you are our daughter!
Opening gifts on your 11th birthday, March 8, 2006

** A very Happy Birthday to Sophie B., Katie's "birthday twin!" **


  1. Happy Birthday, beautiful Katie, and love to your mom, dad and brother.

  2. It is beautiful that you are celebrating Katie's birthday.
    Happy Birthday Katie!

  3. I love this day, when I celebrate my Sophie's birth and think of you celebrating your beautiful daughter's as well. Our girls tie us together, and that is good.

  4. Yes, celebrate the birth of that beautiful girl! Such a blessing.
    Love to you, Karen.

  5. How this post touches me?!? Tears of joy. I'm so glad that your family bond is so strong and you can celebrate together.
    I love that you've shared Katie's story….not a day goes by that i don't think of her.
    Love to you Karen, Gregg and David.

  6. Thanks to each one of you for your loving words to us! You touch my heart with happiness.

  7. Happy Be-lated Birthday Katie! And much love to you Karen, Gregg and David.

    Love, Carin & co.


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