
Friday, September 12, 2008

More Goodwill News

A lovely thing happened this week: an envelope arrived from Seattle Goodwill, containing copies of their September, 2008 issue of The Goodwill Ambassador. In the center spread is a half-page article about Katie's bequest of half of her savings account to them (I posted about this last year). That warmed my heart, and I am glowing with admiration for Katie's spirit and her thoughtfulness of others at the worst time in her life. Thank you, Seattle Goodwill for caring about the significance of this gift.


  1. That is wonderful! I love Goodwill, and always go into my local one.... I like to purchase stuff there (there are some REAL TREASURES, folks!!) and of course, I always give stuff there too.

    I'm not patient enough to have a yard sale, I'd rather just give it all to Goodwill... take the tax write-off, and let someone else find the "treasure" and be thrilled!

    And of course, it's a great organization!

    Hooray for Goodwill!
    Hooray for Katie! :-)
    Hooray for you!

  2. My goodness. That child has an angels heart. How great of her to think of others. You should be proud of the young woman you raised Karen. Her life was cut short, but she lived a life full of love and her own special gifts that many people won't have in their "long" lives.
    I give to goodwill monthly. Really, they know me there. I don't know if it is because I am so generous or because I have TOO much stuff. :0
    thanks for sharing this with us.
    take care,

  3. That's where all our donations go...

    You raised such a sweet and endearing young woman. What a beautiful spirit she was and continues to live on in others...

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Katie's memory and kindness will live on through the lives she touched and all the lives you have touched since she's been gone. That is wonderful that Goodwill took the time to acknowledge Katie's gift. It's a shame, but I think our closest Goodwill is about an hour away. We do have Salvation Army drop boxes though and the cutest little store called Treasures From the Heart. You can find the best things there and all the money goes to a hospice and homecare fund.

  5. Hi Karen. Say I've been reading your inspirational story of your life with and without Katie for a while and I'm attributing my dream last night to this. I had a dream you were going out gardening with a friend and asked if I could come and sit with Katie at home while you were out. I asked if I needed to do anything for her and you said no, that she wasn't in pain and that I just stay with her for a bit. Katie was laying on a couch smiling at me. How would a stranger 2,000 miles away have a dream about your darling daughter? I think your story has moved me so, my daughter surviving her leukemia, now age 8. God Bless.

  6. Stephanie, thank you for sharing your dream with me. (I tried to go to your site to thank you, but it's not open to me, so I hope you come back and see this.)
    I love hearing that your daughter is free from leukemia. That is wonderful, joyful information. God bless you and your family.

  7. Thanks,Karen. You can see Abby at
    All the best.

  8. Dear Karen;

    I too have read the same article in the Goodwill Ambassador about your daughter and was greatly moved. I didn't know that tonight while surfing blog sites I would run across yours, but I did. So, I just wanted to take a moment to express my respect for your Katie and for you. Her story will always be alive. It will always be alive in your family and in the community she has blessed.

    I actually work for Goodwill and have for the last 4 and 1/2 years. No other organization have I worked for have I felt more connected with a mission that is changing lives. Every day I get to be a part of seeing Goodwill's mission become greater and greater fulfilled. I watch as that $642 dollar donation is put to work and better yet the heart behind it.

    Thank you, Katie, for caring and sharing. You are an inspiration to many and a role model to me.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!