
Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Thursday Already?

I've been trying to gather my thoughts all week so that I can post, but have been running hither and yon. Here it is, Thursday, and I am finally sitting down to at least put a "sketch" together.

David had to do some re-arranging of his school schedule, so we have been in conversation with the staff last week and this week. Apparently, someone on staff thinks that a teenager can change clothes, shower and get dressed again in FIVE MINUTES. Yes, that's right: I said 5 minutes for a shower and 2 changes of clothes. And it's not required that they shower, so he could be counted tardy to his next class for being clean. Oh, and the school doesn't provide towels or soap. Gregg and I feel that that this is silly and unhygienic, and our son is not going to leave 1st period P.E. without a shower. He has transferred out of 1st period P.E. He also changed his English class to AP English (we'll miss you, Mrs. Campbell!) and changed his advisory-period teacher. That is a once-a-week class, taken from the 9th through 12th grade, in which they are supposed to create the portfolio of their best work in preparation for graduation. Last year, David's teacher was unfamiliar with the program (and not interested in learning it), so we requested a change, and got it.

On Monday, I got up and exercised in the morning after David left for school. I washed clothes, and then had a spiritual direction appointment with Bev, in her new office. Since she resigned from the church staff, she has set up her own practice, and it is a good spot for her. After that, I went home to make a snack to take to David at his tennis match. This was my first time seeing him play. He won his (singles) match on Friday (while I was in Portland).

David has four tennis matches this week. On the days that he doesn't have a match, he has practice. He is doing well as the #3 Singles player (undefeated, so far). It's his first year on the varsity team. He won his match on Monday in a tie-breaker. They played for nearly 3 hours; I was tired from watching them! The temperature was around 80 or 85 degrees, without shade, and they did really well to be focused with those circumstances.

One thing I noticed about David's demeanor during his tennis match was the fact that after he put on his sunglasses, he was poker-faced. He looked very calm, very blank as he was playing. His opponent got angry and made loud noises of frustration when he made errors. David was impossible to read. I loved it; he saved his energy, even when he made mistakes. He did not expose his emotions to his opponent. I thought it was a brilliant strategy, whether intentional or not. It's gentlemanly & sportsmanlike behavior, to be calm whether you are winning or losing, and I think it might have an added benefit: it could rattle an opponent who is getting mad, to look over and see that the man on the other side of the net is cool and calm. [As you can see from reading my blog, holding my emotions in check is not my strong point. For David to have this skill at 15 and a half, in an athletic arena, is admirable, in my eyes.]

Yesterday, I picked blackberries so that I could bake a pie for my brother. We are having a little celebration here tomorrow night, since our nephew Phil will be in town, and I thought I'd serve the pie as a belated birthday dessert for Jim, but he will have to share it with the rest of us! I also baked a cobbler/pie today, filled with blackberries, apples (from Grandma and Kappa's trees) and a little bit of rhubarb. My friend Rita came over yesterday and she sewed four quilts while I pinned a bunch more. Last night, I pinned more together and ironed fabric.

Speaking of fabric, the lovely mother of a childhood cancer-survivor sent a gift card to me so that I can buy supplies for quilt-making. I am going to send you a real "Thank you" note, but I want to "shout out" to you here, L., and say THANK YOU for your kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness. Your gift is going to bring comfort to some kids at Children's Hospital soon!

I have been working on the "Thank you" letter that I am going to send to every donor to Katie's Endowment. It is my desire that they learn how their gift has grown, how we are hoping to use it, and who on staff is helping to shepherd its use.

The fun, grace and beauty of the weekend with Father Rohr and our little group of "pilgrims" who traveled to hear him is still reverberating in my head. I will post about it when I can give it deeper space. Meanwhile, I have a little family party and Maribeth's visit to prepare for...she's coming this weekend! Hooray -- I can't wait to see her. We'll have her (belated) birthday dinner, too.


  1. Oh, I got to the 2nd paragraph and I have to leave... I will check in with you tomorrow.
    I knew something was missing this I know it was YOU.
    Talk to you soon...

  2. David’s schedule sounds like a nightmare…trying to change and clean up in a super fast hurry….yikes. Glad to hear you were able to help him out.
    3 hours of tennis, that is quite a workout. Yes, having a poker face will get you places in sports and in….poker. Perhaps David should take that up too?
    All the fresh fruit makes my mouth water. The only thing I can pick here is….weeds.
    We have a honeybell tree that is about 6 years old. We NEVER had one orange on it.
    I would love to live somewhere that has wild berries, apples etc…sounds so good.
    The generosity of others really makes this world a better place. I love hearing about your quilts…such a nice thing to do.
    Take care, Suz


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