
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Carson & Jack

We (finally!) drove out to see our new grand-nephews today. Our niece, Robin, and her husband, Brant, became the proud parents of beautiful twin boys, Carson & Jack, in June. Here are photos of us with them; they were so relaxed that they slept most of the time during our visit.

David holding Jack:

Gregg holding Carson:

Me holding Carson:

(I also had a wonderful time holding Jack, but we traded after a while.)
They are adorable, and it is so great to have new babies in the family. Katie would have loved them, of course. It's going to be such fun at Christmas with more little ones...Robin's sister Hollie and her husband, Joe, have three beautiful young children, and now they will have cousins to play with. Hooray for the new generation! God bless them.


  1. New babies=new opportunities... New lives. God Bless them...and all of you. Beautiful little boys.

  2. They are just the cutest. It's great to be reminded in our grief, that life goes on. Seeing that in a baby is just the best gift.

  3. Oh they are such cute little peanuts! Just want to squeeze those cheeks!


  4. babies are wonderful. Just wonderful. blessings, Karen!!

  5. Karen, you are positively BEAMING in that picture! :-)

    What precious babies!
    I always get very emotional the first time I meet a baby who belongs to someone I know and love... maybe it's because they just "came from the hand of God"... I don't know (that might sound corny)... but I almost always cry tears of happiness whenever I meet a new baby. :-)

    Those twins are a blessing for your family - makes me smile for you! :-)

  6. Karen I am so glad I found your blog! I've been following (an lurking in) your caringbridge site for quite some time.

    Those babies are adorable, congratulations.

    My sister is pregnant and due Dec. 24th. This baby is the beginning of the next generation for our family and I wish so much that he is here before Christmas!


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